Sneaky Runner Duck Egg Laying Habits,,, pic of hidden stash


Has Fainting Chickens
14 Years
Dec 25, 2007
Chaparral, New Mexico
My ducks are sneaky, this box was turned around towards the wall to keep the chickens out of it,, I'm not sure how the ducks managed this but look at the amount of eggs in the box they were hiding from me! I thought they stopped laying last week and couldn't figure out why,,,,, I moved this box today and look what's in it,, and the box was empty a week ago! It has to be the same hen(s) that pulled the sneaky on me at the beginning of the freezing season.
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Well at least you found them all in one spot... We had ducks when I was little and they laid Everywhere!!! Nothing like running through your yard barefoot and step on an egg!
LOL yuck!! Well I counted this morning and there are 3 more eggs than last night so they laying either during the night or before 5am and they are all using the same box. I took14 eggs out, and put Xs on the rest so I'll know which are new and which are the older ones. I don't want them hatching any right now as much as I love my quackers!
I cleaned that box out on the 16th since I didn't know how old they were or anything. I even candled them all to make sure I wasn't throwing out someone. I knew one of the ducks was using it again but I turned it around towards the siding and figured I'd let her sit on her eggs this time. I checked today, it's been 11 days and there are 23 eggs in there,, I think at least three are using it and they are all green eggs so they are the Runners and Runner cross hens. I'm going to candle and see if they are forming again, and thin them out.

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