sneezing chicken

My baby araucana has been sneezing alot. it has a very high pitch sound to it. i hav know idea if it is a sneeze or just a calling noise. she has been doing it alot at random times. she does it every day and im worried. does anyone know what it is? her left nose is a little bit runny. would it be the dust in my yard or a disease.

she is 13wks old and my other 2 chicken havn't been doing this thing at all. any suggestions?
if your chicken has i little cold there's this place in gilroy called Tractor Suppliy .in the store the have chickens feeders , waters, bedding , food , medicine ,and vitamins and's in the united states.Hey, Chicken Goddess it might be the dust around your chicken coop
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Anyone interested in adopting a hand raised white silky rooster, that I hatched, he is now 6 months old and crowing. Not a really loud crow, but we're not allowed to have roosters where I live and he's to good to sell at a reptile swap!
I had to get rid of a rooster as well, didn't sell gave to someone and rooster was renamed by a child. In good hands.
It turned out my old cage was soaking up water! I think it was too damp, we built a new one after researching it, I call it the chicken condo, they got better instantly! Still have em all!
Not what I wanted either, my rooster is in good hands. The child makes sure of that :). I had plenty of offers and one was in AL but got to me too late, Marine wanted him for his chickens.
Didn't know it was going to stay so cold today have to put the chickens in, they see me and automatically they need treats lol, like them to stay warm.

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