Sneezing chicks. Are they sick? Please help!


10 Years
Dec 21, 2009
New Hampshire
Hey guys. So a few of my chicks are sneezing quite often and I'm not sure why. They are all active, peeping, eating and drinking. What would cause sneezing?

They have pine shavings for bedding. Could this cause them to sneeze?

I would remove the pine shavings and see if that works. Keep a close eye on them for other symptoms. Where did you get them?
Are you seeing any other Respitatory symptoms? Lots of people use paper towels for the first two weeks or towels. Then many do change to pine with no problem but now and then they do cause a problem. Do your pine shavings look very dusty? If you do use pine make sure it's not very aromatic. Here's a link I feel explains it well.
Go with kiln-dried or pellets. aspen would be better if you can find it for a better price.
I would really look at their environment is there anything really dusty around them or pollen? Maybe after changing their bedding move them to a different area see if they improve.
Getting them from a feed store is a bit scary they are exposed to lots of people walking in and out that may have just come from their coop that has who knows what. I wish you and your babies the best.
Lots of people like using clean play sand, buy it by the bag at the box stores. I may try it next time I have a brooder box, this time I used pine shavings, they worked well for me....

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