I got the chicks on saturday... so about four days...

They were hatched in an incubator and not exposed to any adult chickens, so i don't think any diseases could have been transferred. The other two chicks are a lot bigger than the one i am worried about. But he seems to eat and drink just as much as the others and is just as active. Maybe he is just smaller because of genetics??
Are they all supposed to be standard size chickens? It could just be a bantam. Any pics? Pics would help a lot in determining if this behavior you speak of is normal chick antics or a symptom of something.
I got a chick from a feed store who was inactive and smaller compared to the others and soon she was unable to stand up all the way. I took her in and was told that sometimes when they get too cold in transit, this happens and its hard to get them to come back. I really tried everything I could on her, but she didn't make it. I'm absolutely heart-broken. Hopefully this isn't the same situation. If she hasn't lost interest in the feed, I don't think it is.
the light colored buff is the one i am worried about

i hear one sneeze occasionally from all of the chicks, not just him.






What kind of shavings are those? If they are pine or cedar that could be causing the sneezing and the inactivity. The oils in pine and cedar are neurotoxins and very hard on small chicks. It can even kill them. Perhaps if you change to another bedding, it will improve their condition. I used a paper product for small animals that had no dyes or fumes. I forget the name but it is sold at almost every pet store.

those were pine shavings

i have since switched to pine pellets

i just fed them some boiled eggs
and they sneezed a bit, but i think it is just because the egg might have gotten in their faces
Pine pellets will give them the same problems. You should switch to something that is not aromatic.

Looks like you have 3 little Silkies
If these are current pics, I'd say they look like they're doing fine. Silkies are not a true bantam breed, but considered bantam, and their sizes can vary quite a bit. I wouldn't worry about the size difference at this point. An occasional sneeze, if there's no discharge or lethargy, is probably just a sneeze like a person would have.... just a lit irritated in the nasal passages. Plenty of folks use pine with no problems... as long as the brooder has plenty of fresh air, it should be fine. It's usually and enclosed cage with no air circulation that leads to problems with fumes from bedding.

You can always try something else if you're still worried.... but if they are eating and drinking, and running around.... I wouldn't worry about the occasional sneeze. When they're little they tend to do things like eat too fast or roll around very vigorously and kick up dust.

Just keep an eye on them for any changes. The little buff one may just have a calmer personality than the others. It does walk around without any problems right?

edited to add..... it appears from the pics that possibly your little buff one has a vaulted skull?? I would ask other Silkie folks if they notice differences in behavior between vaulted and non-vaulted chicks. The vaulted skulls make them a bit more fragile than a normal chick and possibly this effects behavior..... just a thought
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Yes, they are current pictures
. There is no discharge or anything of the sort coming out of their noses, so i agree that it is probably irritation. The little buff doesn't appear to have any problems, but doesn't run around as much as the others... but he is active during playtime, just not to the point of galloping madly around. Yes, they all three have vaulted skulls, so i have been extra careful to ensure i don't damage their brains... lol.

Thanks a bunch

Another consideration with the bedding is, are they eating it? I read that paper towels were a good bedding surface for young chicks? I add clean paper towels twice a day (21 4-day-old Buff Orps), seems to be working out OK.

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