Sneezing duckling with runny nose


Mar 27, 2018
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Hello...I’m new at this and I’m an over concerned duckling owner. I have a little duckling maybe going to be 3 weeks old soon and today she started sneezing and has a bit of a runny nose. Should I be concerned??

Does your duckling have this all the time? sometimes when they drink water it can happen and feed and bedding can be dusty and cause sneezing
What are you using for bedding and what feed. and if you can a pic of your duckling.

Any other drainage coming from eyes.

How are you keeping them?

Does your duckling have this all the time? sometimes when they drink water it can happen and feed and bedding can be dusty and cause sneezing
What are you using for bedding and what feed. and if you can a pic of your duckling.

Any other drainage coming from eyes.

How are you keeping them?
I bought the chips that the farm store told me to get, however I was looking at the bag last night and it said low dust on it. She just started this yesterday evening, they did have a bath earlier in the evening while I was cleaning their tote out. I’ve already almost lost her once, they said she wouldn’t make it through the night with the bigger ducks, which was actually the same age as her so I took her home and let her play with the other ones we just bought and they soaked her and she almost died, so she’s pretty special to me. I clean their tote every day, and I give them fresh water twice a day. I’m not sure on the food brand either, the bag is at my boyfriends house.
Bath in nice warm water? for now I would put some Apple cider vinegar into their drinking water 1 Tab to 1 gallon of water this is a really good tonic for water fowl[us to] and can kill some bacteria. If she keeps it up with drainage and sneezing then you may want to seek out a good vet for antibiotics. But see how the ACV does and you can also get some Poultry Nutri Drench and add this to their drinking water separate from the ACV water. a good boost of vitamins can help too. Are you using duck starter or chick starter.If chick they need some extra niacin since chick start doesn't have the amount ducklings need to give them strong legs. So I suggest some Brewers yeast [not baking yeast] or Nutritional yeast sprinkled over their feed at 1 tab per cup of feed. Until they are 10 weeks old.

I know this is a lot to take in but hopefully it will help.
Bath in nice warm water? for now I would put some Apple cider vinegar into their drinking water 1 Tab to 1 gallon of water this is a really good tonic for water fowl[us to] and can kill some bacteria. If she keeps it up with drainage and sneezing then you may want to seek out a good vet for antibiotics. But see how the ACV does and you can also get some Poultry Nutri Drench and add this to their drinking water separate from the ACV water. a good boost of vitamins can help too. Are you using duck starter or chick starter.If chick they need some extra niacin since chick start doesn't have the amount ducklings need to give them strong legs. So I suggest some Brewers yeast [not baking yeast] or Nutritional yeast sprinkled over their feed at 1 tab per cup of feed. Until they are 10 weeks old.

I know this is a lot to take in but hopefully it will help.
I will take all the information I can get!! Here is a picture of their home for now, until Friday anyways then they’ll have a bigger pen to play in. She is the absolute sweetest Ducky ever! She loves to be held and she loves to snuggle too!


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Will do! I’ll look at the wood chips and her electrolytes when I go check on her around 11 and let you know. I’m also going to stop by the farm store on my way to pick up the other stuff you suggested. Thank you very much for your help, I greatly appreciate it. I’m so new at this and to this site so hopefully I can get more feed back. Again thank you!
Only problem you got the wrong niacin, flush free and time released doesn't work made up different than reg niacin that is why I don't rec it as much since it's harder to find unless ordering on line. But go ahead with what you have for now looks like you feed is for all poultry so that is good.

Great to hear she isn't sneezing now:thumbsup

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