Snowflake Bobwhite Quail Anyone?

Hello everyone, just came across this thread. Sure wish I would have found it before I spent 50 bucks on 22 eggs from the rare birds group on Facebook. Postal service took 6 days to get them to me and only 3 ended up hatching. Was surprised they hatched at all concidering I was just waiting for trash day to dispose of the eggs, and these ended up hatching on day 27. But the three I got are beautiful. The person I bought them from said they would make it right after the postal fiasco, but that offer doesn't seem to be on the table now. My next ones will come from Vails Quails. Thanks for all the info.
i raise snowflakes they are wonderful beautiful birds ....I haven't seen any issues with inbreeding in ten years but its always a good idea to get several bloodlines ...a few things ou should know about them ....they lay an egg a day all year long after sunlight is 12 hours that can be expanded by artificial light need at least 1 male for every 2 females in order to get good fertility ...some males an be downright mean and should be removed for a week or 2 in order for the others to establish coop dominance ive found them to be poor sitters so I incubate I feed mine an 18 % unmedicated crumble with scratch grain mixed in ive lost about 4 in ten years reason known they are hardy mine sleep outside but have access to a small hutch if they want ....cant think of anything else you need to know ...ill add if I think of anything ...good I live in northern Indiana so you can judge our weather

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