So,19,000 members, How many Chickens do we all have? 26,143 & counting

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We have 7 barred rocks (lost one to a predator) and 8 rhode island reds so

15 + 14,628 = 14,633

Antrim, NH
Just because it was bugging me.........from post #603 Total of 16,682 we added a total of 747 up to post #604.

That brings us to a grand total of 17, 429. I think........LOL

ETA........I posted this quick 'cuz I had to run DD to the bus. I did NOT double check my math, but I will, and I will come back if there is an error. Which is pretty likely!
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Okay, gonna give this another shot. Sheeesh...I promise, I DO know how to add! At least, I USED to! LOL

post #603 total, 16,682

adding a total of 853 to that post, up to #644 gives us a total of 17,535.

Add to that, rjveazey's 60 chickens, brings us to a new grand total of............


I think...........
I've got 6 Barred Rocks, 3 Silkie Banties (watch this space, one is setting), 1 Buff and 2 Partridge Cochins, 1 BR/Silkie mix roo, that's 13 chickens and 2 Guineas.

Grand total (with rjveazey) of 17,604!
Jarhead - 5 EEs, 1 BR, 1 australorp, 1 black star, 2 white leghorns for a total of 10

New grand total
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