So depressed

If you can post pictures, that would be great! This is such a fantastic group for helping with problems and giving good ideas. Everyone gets stuck on a project at least once in awhile. You aren't alone. Whatever is a problem, people will help you work through. Try not to worry. It will all be okay.
It can be overwhelming especially if you do not have the correct tools and know how.

Go on craigs list and free cycle and look for an old, used, large rabbit hutch or 2.

They usually have two compartments, a run and a sleeping area. You may have to reinforce the wire to hardware cloth. Scrub it down. Put wood down in the sleeping area as a floor or use indoor/outdoor carpet tiles.
If you don't have a truck to pick it up maybe a friend does?

Good luck and just take it a step at a time. I know you want to get those chicks out of the house.

Just wanted to say I sympathize. My husband built me a lovely brooder box. Who knew 12 baby turkeys would get so big so fast, and have to stay in it so long? Now I have 30 chicks, 10 ducklings and 4 goslings living in a cardboard box on my kitchen counter, waiting for the turkeys to graduate. Oh, and I have 30 guinea keets coming next week.

DH says he'll start on the coops as soon as he finishes the fencing. I'm getting a little anxious, lol. Might have to figure out how to do it my own self. That usually spurs him on.

I'll second the craigslist idea. Do a search for "coop" or "chicken." There's a bunch in ours. Also, extend your search out to nearby towns for more hits.

If you really want to do it yourself, I always remind myself, "It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be finished." Good luck!
just so you know, in a way, my coop has been under construction since last march 2009. we started building it then, and never got it completely done, just enough to put the hens in, now it mostely just needs painted. then this year we added another 12 feet of yard on the 8 feet that were already there, so we would have room for the new ducks' pool
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well if you have the frame (the bed), you can make one wall out of plywood, that way you can cut a door in it and put a hinge so that you can get to your eggs.
Would still love to see some pics!
Don't feel bad, I built my own house and even I thought building a coup was a PITA! To make matters worse, I did not find this site until after it was 80% done. My coup, as I found out here, is too small!!! Now I get to do it all over again! GRRRR! Who knew a project that small could present some many issues!
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I went to Lowes and bought a cute little doghouse and 50 foot of Fencing, Went to Jubilee Liquors and bought a bottle of Rum, Went to Steve's Wholesale and bought some nails, Family Dollar for coke, came home and in 30 minutes I had a coup.

I have another coup out back I did by hand. That is now my Demo model of what a Tornado can do to a Hen house, so don't feel bad.

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