So far chickens are a pain in the butt...

Yeah, I totally agree on the flies.
Another idea to get rid of them (I have used these myself and they work great). In zoos and stables, they will put up a lot of fly traps. They are a large jar fulled half way up with water and an attractant (a pheromone comes with, but I saw a zoo bait its with a dead fish). You can pitch the whole thing when it gets full (my strategy) or dump the jar (nasty), or get a new jar and toss the capped full one. Here is one example but there are many on the market so mabye call around to feed stores or big box stores, or have it delivered from on line:
a fast enough typer--like Fl_deb wrote
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Having over 100 breeders and better than 200 chicks at any givin time I don't have the fly problem. All my breeder pens are covered with tin. This way no rain can get in and cause wet spots which draw flies. I tried using a auto water system which I stopped due to the fact some dripped and caused wet spots which draw flies. I use the plastic shoe boxes that most department stores sell or a water bottle like the ones used to water rabbits. My chicks for 36 hours stay in my house so I can check on them more often. After 36 hours they got to a large brooder for 2 weeks. After the two weeks they go into 18 + gal totes no more than 12 per tote. Then they go into my grow out room which is a 10' x 20' insulated room and stay there until they are ready for the outsides. All chicks are on pine shavings and all have their own water system and feed system. I dont over load on the pine shaving so within a week the older ones are ready to be cleaned. All my dirty shavings go to the flowers or the garden. All this and no problem with flies. My chickens and chicks all know me and non are scared of me its a problem sometimes trying to clean a tote when they all want to be held. I have also done the let the hen hatch the eggs I really don't like to go that way due to the chicks are wild and run from you. The thing is keep your pens dry and the chicks dryer. If water spills it gets cleaned up asap. I dont feed my chickens any lettuce its a water type plant and your chickens will poop like geese. Dont try raising ducks and young chicks together the ducks will play in the water and get everything soaked and a wet young chick isnt good
I use ordinary pelletized lime, I think meant for lawns, on the litter when flies or odors become a problem. Some of the other products mentioned here will also help. In Florida, you might want to think about modifying your coop to replace some wall with wire mesh for the ventilation. They really don't need a 4 sided building in this climate, even in winter.
5 week old chicks aren't that fun. LOL Just a word of encouragement...they do love you when they get older! Just feed them, keep it clean and talk to them while you are caring for them. Hold them ocassionally and let them eat crackers/bread from your hand. As they age, they will be all in your business! I have one chicken who falls asleep in my arms whenever I pick her up for a few minutes. It's cute, but she definately did not do that as a chick!
How many chicks do you have? I have 5 and thay were scared early on, now they are a year old and come running for treats. They are notr as friendly as the chicken I raised as a kid, but I think thats because she was an only chicken for quite a while. I just gave treats daily and they came around. I rehomed my 2 super flighty ones on Craigs list. I have fake linolium type stuff on the floor so it is easy to scrape. I also scrape the ground around coop to remove poop and fallen bedding. I use pelleted bedding, a small amount of cedar and DE in the coop. So far so good. As an aside, my friend just came back from 6 months in wellington (she is a rider) she said they had flies for the first time ever. Maybe its a bad fly year for Florida?
Good Luck!! Dont be afraid to switch breeds for temperment reasons!!
Heckel's Hens :

5 week old chicks aren't that fun. LOL Just a word of encouragement...they do love you when they get older! Just feed them, keep it clean and talk to them while you are caring for them. Hold them ocassionally and let them eat crackers/bread from your hand. As they age, they will be all in your business! I have one chicken who falls asleep in my arms whenever I pick her up for a few minutes. It's cute, but she definately did not do that as a chick!

What she said.​
feeding them treat from you hand helps alot. I give mine worms but only from my hand. They have to roost in one hand and eat the worm from the other. Now when I open the brooder lid, it can be annoying that Runt jumps on the watered to get to me first LOL. but many still run away they just don't get the treats.
I have rehomed 5 coops and the birds in them because people got disillusioned fast. If you look on craigslist there are tons of used coops from people who did the chicken thing for a few months then gave up becuase it takes work.

Chickens are not cats. You can't just put out a bowl of food and water then ignore them for days on end.

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