So far chickens are a pain in the butt...


8 Years
Feb 3, 2011
I hate to add any negativity, but I suppose there are some that can give some words of encouragement. I hatched a chick and raised it until it died when I was young. Now that I have rekindled the passion for chickens, I've hatched and built a coop. These chickens are scared to death of me, they stink and there are flies every where, and I mean black cloud swarmds of house flies. I had predator of some kind attack and kill 3 chicks, and left one with out a foot. After resecuring everything, there have been no more attacks. I am going to try some DE if I can get a hold of any here in the city, but I am starting to question if I got myself into something and I'm in over my head. I will not give up. Any one feel this way when they first started out?
I am sorry you are having issues. Unfortunately predators love chickens. May I ask how you are cleaning and bedding your chickens? I have goats, rabbits, chickens and a horse and I don't have they fly issue you are describing. Maybe we can help you out with your problems with a bit more information.
Oh yeah, I've done that. Learned my lesson. This time I got 3 14 week old birds first to test the waters. They did well and was gifted 16 one day old chicks. I'm glad I was not gifted 25. I had to really thinks of ways to keep those little ones contained and not spend a fortune. What I did spend money on I made sure I would have for future use. Major investement in the coop and a minor investment in a chicken hutch from TSC.

I used a large rubber livestock tub as my original brooder. I cleaned this 2-3 x a day.


They graduated to the hutch at 2 weeks.


And finally to this at 3 weeks and will remain here until I think it is safe for them to go to the Fortress.


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I'm sorry you are having a tough time with them. I noticed you are also in Florida, and I feel your pain with the fly situation. A few questions may help us help you make it easier:

1) At what age did you put them outside?
2) How old are they now?
3) How is your coop set up for cleaning, and how often is it cleaned?

Now that it is in the high 80s and low 90s here, keeping the coop clean is an absolute neccesity.
The humidity in Miami can pose quite the issue..and is probably the main reason for the stench and the flies...have you looked into open air poultry houses or chicken coops? I posted about it recently, you can read the whole book online..the more room, the better in that environment
Sometimes its just not for everyone.
Most chicks run screaming from us....
Some do better starting off with adults others love the new chick smell.Find what works best with you.
My first chicks where attacked by the dogs next door I was upset but fixed proublem never had that happen again.
Then after getting chicks agian a feral cat went after them and grown hens my own newly adopted dog killed them.

Not to say its been all bad cause its been a interesting journey with all its ups and downs.....
Exactly. Just because it might appear that Everyone is into this, the truth is that lots of folks drop out quickly and lots more others later on. No, it isn't for everyone and should not be "sold" to everyone. No hobby or interest is. I have no desire for painting, throwing pottery or skydiving either.
Oo - Good point, Giddy - that is my last question - what type of coop did you build? Down here that can make a huge difference with the smell, and thier health.

I am in Tucson now but I spent a few years in Southern Florida so I know what it is like. Because there is so much warmth and storms, like here..we just don't have the constant coop will be mainly hardware cloth with a solid back and half side of wood, front and front sides all framework and hardware cloth..I would probably do the same thing in Florida. Give them a place to go to get out of the rain if they want, but NOT a wooden "box" that just traps in moisture and heat..
And OP, you should be able to find food grade DE or also called Perma Guard, at any hardware store or feed store..but don't fall for the small shaker might even get a better deal online. Look in the fertalizer bug repellent areas and usually you can find a big bag of it for about $ it into the muck and anywhere the flies are..also go get those cheap spirally fly strips..those work well too

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