So far so good..fingers crossed


11 Years
Nov 9, 2008
Central Oklahoma
Just wanted to thank everyone for the words of wisdom as I was losing my peachicks. Lost my Pied female and my IB male. Thanks to BYCers my beautiful solid white one is doing great, also the turkey that is with it, I gave them both panacur. The new little runt pied is doing fantastic(fingers still crossed). He has started 'posturing, and displaying' at me when I feed him. His head is healing nicely from where the bantam chicks pecked him so badly. He loves the egg yolk, meal worms, and I am still putting vitamins in his water. Against my better judgement, I have contacted the woman I bought him from to try to get him a buddy. She's the only one around with babies and she's an hour away. I just know he's lonely and would do better with a friend.
I'm so glad your remaining babies are doing well ...
Please be very careful and make sure to look them over well. It might be worth the money to ship some in then risk infecting your flock and losing the price you paid for each bird and it's treatment. Best Wishes

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