So How Are You? =)

hey Mark! i'm doing very well today! glad to see you're sticking to your guns and trying so hard to have a healthy lifestyle.

keep it up! have a blessed night, my BYC buddy!
I am very proud of you, Mark!
You are making super progress!
Karen and I went and picked up some chicks and 2 roosters today. I have been making the rounds since I got back home, gathering eggs and making sure everyone gets their fair share of attention

How are those last eggs i sent you doing? Did the long delay in the postal chain mess them up?
I lack discipline when it comes to food for sure. HOWEVER, my new meds take away most of my appetite.
I have been fine with a glas of milk and a piece of fruit in the morning, something for lunch and nothing else all day. Weird.

Mark, I am doing great, thank you for asking!!!
Hey Robin

That's good glad to hear things are well... and more chickens! awesome!

The eggs i got from you yea the PO kinda did some damage i think i only have 2 or 3 that are developing but that's still good i'd say since they were in the mail so long.. normally none would make it so i am happy with whats going

And thank you!
Hey Birdboy88 hope you are well great job with the diet. My dieting comes and goes. I am cursed with the gift of free pizza and anything else i want while at work so diets can be hard. Your new duckling doing ok? My DW and I are debating if we should get a bator or not, and if we should get some Seramas or not?
My appetite has been low as well but not because of meds.. i am not sure why it's been low because normally i eat like a horse LOL

but i am glad it's low because it's making my diet more easy

I am glad you are doing great!
Hey Robin

That's good glad to hear things are well... and more chickens! awesome!

The eggs i got from you yea the PO kinda did some damage i think i only have 2 or 3 that are developing but that's still good i'd say since they were in the mail so long.. normally none would make it so i am happy with whats going

And thank you!

They were floating around in the mail for over a week! I am amazed any made it either
Glad at least some did. Maybe they will hatch

Thanks for the pics of the two beautiful little pullets you hatched earlier from the first batch! They are adorable!!!

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