So How Was Your Week?!


RIP ?-2014
12 Years
Apr 20, 2007
only the shadow knows.....
Tuesday---5am wake up with a severe case of food poisioning--bad cube steaks?!
7:30am--call Hubby at work tell him he has to come home to help me cuz I can't even make it too the backdoor to let the dog out
9:00--Hubby calls, he has had an accident but is ok. Lost the rear wheel of the Mustang. Getting a tow and someone to bring him home
10:30 AC decides to go out
12:00-- Hubby finally gets home after walking 15miles from I-85 &321 to get to me no one was at home to pick him up YES HE DOES LOVE ME!! ALL DOUBT I EVER HAD IS GONE NOW!!
Hubby feeds me popcicles and gatorade the rest of the day and night as we try to stay cool waiting for the AC guy

Wednesday--3:30 Hubby up early to go to work, but is he, NOPE, he's got it too
We spend Tuesday in various bathrooms and bedrooms wondering if death would be better than this still waiting for the AC guy!!!

Thurday---AC guy STILL isn't here!!! We are seeing the end of the tunnell

Friday---Have heard from the AC guy! They will be here tomorrow (SAT) between 11&1. Said they called yesterday but didn't get a return call. I have caller ID. LIAR!!!They didn't call. BUT with the "insurance" policy I have I must use their people so I'm stuck.

Hubby is doing better and back to work (at least he has AC) I'm here on the computer watching Bob Barker. Yeah my life is exciting

So how was your week?!
You poor things! I hope your AC guy arrives today as promised and the cool air arrives and the illness leaves.

Good luck!
AC guy just left. Was here and gone in less than 5 minutes. "It's the blower wheel set screw. Have to order it. Nope, don't know when it will be in. That's $50 for today. " Gone

I'm livid! :thun
gosh! where do you live? i could not make it that long without AC in central louisiana.
sorry you had a bad week and you and your husband have been ill.
that is just the pits!
sure it wasn't a virus? that is sounds like how my husband and our son and i were last summer. and i was one day out of the hospital from having brought my daughter home after being in the hospital a week after she was born! and we all got sick but the baby!

this last week has not been fun for us either we lost a barred rock chicken and this is my second marriage and my ex is causing problems for us. i have two children from my first marriage. he just can't stand to see me move on with my life and has given me grief for four years now! i guess i have to put up with this problem till the girls are out of high school or college. oh and it looks like we will be back in court too if he does not change his ways
My week? Not too bad. Work, rest, relaxation, and entertainment. Sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation. Hang in there, try to drink as much fluid as you can to stay hydrated, and wait for that AC guy to show up. He'll get there eventually...:|
CoyoteMagic, I just have to ask...did your husband REALLY walk FIFTEEN miles? If so, I hope you do something wonderful for him. It must have taken him all day!!

I hope you're feeling better. It always seems that, when things go bad, they go reeaaaallly bad.

My Great Aunt's air conditioners went out while we were visiting her a few weeks ago. Which doesn't bother me too much-uncomfortable, yes, but it wasn't unbearable-but she was on oxygen, and not allowed by her docter to be in weather over eighty degrees. She finally got it fixed, after several days, and was okay, and at the end of the week I rode to town with her, and she went without her oxygen-which scared me a little, she admitted she was taking a risk-and driving like there was a very fast bear chasing her. ''I wouldn't usually cut in front of this gentleman, but if I don't we'll be sitting here all day.'' (Honk!) '' I see you, I see you.'' Exciting trip to town!
Not a bad week, though.

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