So how would you manage a problem skunk?

Oh, and on the subject of drowning them...

This is a technique I've considered, but didn't want to contaminate the stock tank. I felt the technique would be slow, while a shotgun is immediate and thus more humane. I did as much Google research as I could, and found this input interesting. "They" say that the skunk doesn't actually drown, which is inhaling water into its lungs, but rather that it suffocates. I read that the skunk will essentially block or plug up its throat, and without getting new oxygen into the lungs it will suffocate on the carbon dioxide that remains.

True? Ask Google, I guess.
I've always gave the cages a 30min soak. If you don't want to put them in the stock tank you could build or use a tub big enough for the cage to fit in. Just something to think about.
what i found has worked best is two quick blasts from my 20 gauge right through the wont damage the trap unless you shoot the door and the best part is no stink
Make a kill pole and fill the syringe with acetone,slowly crawl up to the trap(It is important you make no sudden movments),get within kill pole reach and slowly(can't express how slowly you need to move!!) stick the needle in the skunks chest cavity(right behind the front leg)and slowly inject the acetone.Kills instantly.This is how i do it on the trapline and after many years and hundreds of skunks i have never been sprayed,never even had one spray.
Make a kill pole and fill the syringe with acetone,slowly crawl up to the trap(It is important you make no sudden movments),get within kill pole reach and slowly(can't express how slowly you need to move!!) stick the needle in the skunks chest cavity(right behind the front leg)and slowly inject the acetone.Kills instantly.This is how i do it on the trapline and after many years and hundreds of skunks i have never been sprayed,never even had one spray.

this is not legal in some states ( va being one) check you local laws before using this method
Cover trap. Carry trap downwind of house, turn on hose with spray head. Uncover trap, back up, holler. and take a shot in direction of trap. Skunk sprays, gets sprayed with hose. Finite amount of stink per skunk. Once `ordure' has been rinsed away, walk up and harvest skunk.
Make a kill pole and fill the syringe with acetone,slowly crawl up to the trap(It is important you make no sudden movments),get within kill pole reach and slowly(can't express how slowly you need to move!!) stick the needle in the skunks chest cavity(right behind the front leg)and slowly inject the acetone.Kills instantly.This is how i do it on the trapline and after many years and hundreds of skunks i have never been sprayed,never even had one spray.

this is not legal in some states ( va being one) check you local laws before using this method

it's not legal to trap out of season, no matter your method of disposal. They even decided that we have to BUY a de-predation permit to trap "problem" animals (like raccoons) on our own property. Tell the game warden to come and get me now.....
It's not legal to shoot inside the city limits either.....
I'm not too terribly worried about it. Obviously.
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Get your shotgun and blow the critter away. we had a problem a few years back. a female started a den under our house. then 2 males got under our house fighting over the female, one died, and both sprayed. $4000.00 bucks and 3 months later we got to move back in our house. from that time forward, I have become a skunk killer. everyone of the critters I see, I shoot. just get close enough that your shotgun will kill the first shot. I use #4 shot and it works very well. I really don't like killing anything, but I like living at home better. they also carry rabies also. If you see a skunk during the daylight, most of the time its hurt or sick and is looking for a place to get out of the light. except for snakes, and rats, these are the only critters I will kill if they come within range.

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