So how would you manage a problem skunk?

I would avoid drowning skunks or any animals for that matter.. it just seems a bit cruel. I don't mind blasting one in the head as that's kind of the circle of life but when you have it in a trap and you can consciously make a decision on how it dies.. well I'd just look for other options. I know with some traps it's hard to carry them with an animal in it, sometimes they can reach you.. so it might not be a bad idea to tie a rope to the trap and then drag it to the corner of your yard before you blast it. I just think of it like this: if I knew I was going to die how would I want to go? I'd take the bullet over some lungs full of water. I'm not trying to be judgmental or anything and everybody has their own ways of doing things but it's just something to think about.
I've released 2 previously and never had any trouble with them. I consider them in the same class as possums in regard to "threat level" to my birds.

I'm curious now what you consider the "threat level" of possums? I've always known them to be considered only slightly less of a problem than raccoons and stray dogs?

Possums are more scavengers than "hunters" they will take a bird, yes, but they are fairly easily discouraged. I've released every one I've ever trapped and have no evidence that they've ever caused any harm to my pen or birds.

On the other hand raccoons are determined and will go to great lengths to get to your birds. They will rip shingles off the roof or tin off the wall trying to get in, etc. I shoot every one that I trap, even though mx pen has kept them out thus far. I consider it too big of a risk to have them sniffing around.

Previously I have released skunks as well. For one shooting them is a bit of a problem, and untill now they have not caused problems. Even still, this one prefers eggs over birds. Trust me its far worse to loose a laying hen than the eggs.
While the idea of drowning can be distasteful (personally, I don't think I could either), sometimes "blasting" them isn't an option. Not everyone owns guns, not everyone lives in the country, and not everyone has a truck that they can use to haul the critter away. It is a viable option. I can't comment on humane it may or may not be, because I have no way of knowing what or if an animal thinks as it's dying. I'm not sure they're capable of "thought", exactly. Survival instinct yes, but not thought. You've gotta do what you've gotta do, in a manner that is as humane as possible. If drowning is the only option, then do it.
While the idea of drowning can be distasteful (personally, I don't think I could either), sometimes "blasting" them isn't an option. Not everyone owns guns, not everyone lives in the country, and not everyone has a truck that they can use to haul the critter away. It is a viable option. I can't comment on humane it may or may not be, because I have no way of knowing what or if an animal thinks as it's dying. I'm not sure they're capable of "thought", exactly. Survival instinct yes, but not thought. You've gotta do what you've gotta do, in a manner that is as humane as possible. If drowning is the only option, then do it.

If they were capable of thought they would calmly release themselves and leave

if whomever googles "euthanasia chamber ,adc ,wild animals" the gases are available (nitrogen , CO2)@ most welding supplies the chambers can be made from the same sterite containers that a lot of brooders are made out of .
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The `efficacy' of the method of dispatch is, imho, judged by the rapidity of retirement from the target pool. A well aimed motor vehicle... But, most go stray with the swerve and, when picking up trash from the ditches along the road, I `volunteer' to end the suffering of those victims, still barely alive, with a .22. Below is an unusually `detailed' model that we found `struck' - and immediately `released'....


A neighbor's, now defunct, pack of 6 Chows would slowly and methodically tear apart racccoons, skunks, `poss and fang up birthing does; then return later to roll in the putrefying remains (could tell they'd gotten home by the amount of indistinct, yet vivid, commentary by their owner...) - `efficacious? Well, not under a minute...
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Critters surely have thought. I mean, what doesn't? Also about living in the country and guns, I don't really think predators are as big of a problem if you live in the city unless you guys are drowning your neighbors dogs or something.
Every now and then a trap goes off on my hand I possess a thought process I calmly reach down and unset said trap and remove it from my hand. Most animals I have observed do not possess this process but only have instincts, if they possessed a thought process they would calmly reach down and remove the trap and leave . With the thousands of critters I have trapped and harvested over the years I have never observed this.
Great picture! Pretty in its own way. Actually, I do think skunks are pretty animals - as long as I don't have to smell them. Don't particularly like their pointy little noses, but I do like their coloring and markings.

If they were capable of thought they would calmly release themselves and leave

Well the skunk has met its end. I got 6 eggs today and figured out that my 2nd November pullet is now laying.

And yes it did release the smell when it died, but at least not on me. Whew!
Well, after declaring victory, I saw another skunk tonight when I went to lock up the birds
We'll just have to see if I got the right one I suppose.

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