So I am wondering....


8 Years
Jun 14, 2011
Washington State
Right now I have 6 Lavender orpingtons (1 roo 5 hens) I really love them and would like to keep them pure so I can possibly sell hatching eggs next spring but I would really like to add a couple EE's or Welsummers just for fun (hens only) Would this be okay or is it considered not proper in the chicken world? I figure if I only have a Lav Orp roo then I will be able to tell which eggs are pure orp or not by color right? Advice?
I think that is a great idea and am thinking of a scenario similar to that also. With those breeds you just mentioned it would be easy to tell the orps apart and if your only going to hatch them just collect the others often and throw them in the fridge.
Thank you kev-chickadees I was hoping someone would agree:) My feed store is getting one last batch of chicks for the season in tomorrow. I will be there!

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