so I have an idea to be able to give fresh grass to my indoor chooks..


Wanna-be Farmer
11 Years
Dec 16, 2008
I have a garage coop, and although most will be relocated into the outdoor coop with run some for breeding purposes and because they crow will have to stay indoors

I would like to make their exhistance more like that of a free range chook or at least give them acess to fresh grass and such.

After reading a few different ideas I think I am going to try this:

get shade grass seeds and plant in plastic flat with a few drainage holes (not much since it wont need much) Put a frame around it with 1/4 hardwire (maybe the nice coated kind for added comfort) make it so that the mesh is 4-5 inches above soil. Then I will replace my light bulb with a grow light bulb and place this grass flat under the light with one end under the waterer to catch some of the extra water that spilles. The grass should be able to grow and the chooks will only be able to eat what grows out of the mesh. Since it will only be a few chickens I am thinking it could possibly work.

any thoughts?
That should work well. You can also just dig up pieces of sod or chunks of field grass and put those in their brooder.

The only thing that might cause a problem is if the poopy water has too much nitrogen and burns the grass roots. I'm not sure if that will be an issue or not.

I'd love to see what you come up with for your grass flats.
you know I put ACV in my water too, maybe I wont put it under the waterer. I have to reseed various parts of my yard, and havent any place with which to dig up sod lol although I could get some from someplace I am sure.... I thought starting with seeds would be easiest since I have to get some anyway. ahhh what a 3 year old and some t-ball can do to ones yard....
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Unfortunately, I always have grass coming up in the flower beds. Of course, the grass doesn't grow well in the lawn, but it grows great everywhere I don't want it to!

Post pics when you get them.

You know, you might have better luck with growing something like wheat or oats in flats, and just keep a new one sprouting for them. It might be easier than keeping a flat of grass growing over time.
To be honest, my chickens much prefer the broad-leaf weeds and clover instead of grass....they'll only pick at the grass if there's nothing more interesting for them. The kids run all over the yard (an acre and a half) looking for clover and weeds to give them, and there's still some grass in their run! Could you plant clover in flats for them?

Also, a lot of grass seed is coated with chemicals or fertilizers or whatever to help it sprout...I know you're mostly organic so you probably already know to look for that...
sounds like a great idea!!!

i have contemplated keeping a rooster in at night/early morning...downstairs, just to keep him! (is this stupid or what? I guess the best way to find out is to try it? I am sure I'll be able to hear him in the other side of the house....but I'll be the only one he's waking. the guys around here could sleep thru an earthquake.) and i think he should be able to go out during the daytime and crow all he likes! neighbors have screaming kids, dirtbikes, lawn mowers, loud stereos....

but back to your grass idea...THANKS!

btw, anyone interested in a buff orp rooster? just in case...

oh also, is chick weed that stuff thats coming up now? in maryland anyway...they like that? (figured thats why they called it chick weed... going to research something else!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

please ban me from this board for a couple days...maybe 3?
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my last roo was really loud and could be heard though most of the house and down the street with the garage door closed! My new roo has a much softer crow so I am going to try short trips outdoors for him. But I like the sound of crowing so It doesnt bother me hearing it. My last one crowed at all hours too.

I am also going to do a test of how far his sound travels cause all my neighbors are really cool about the chicken thing, it is just this one guy I worry about across the street. He would complain because that is all he does.
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