I have a garage coop, and although most will be relocated into the outdoor coop with run some for breeding purposes and because they crow will have to stay indoors
I would like to make their exhistance more like that of a free range chook or at least give them acess to fresh grass and such.
After reading a few different ideas I think I am going to try this:
get shade grass seeds and plant in plastic flat with a few drainage holes (not much since it wont need much) Put a frame around it with 1/4 hardwire (maybe the nice coated kind for added comfort) make it so that the mesh is 4-5 inches above soil. Then I will replace my light bulb with a grow light bulb and place this grass flat under the light with one end under the waterer to catch some of the extra water that spilles. The grass should be able to grow and the chooks will only be able to eat what grows out of the mesh. Since it will only be a few chickens I am thinking it could possibly work.
any thoughts?

I would like to make their exhistance more like that of a free range chook or at least give them acess to fresh grass and such.
After reading a few different ideas I think I am going to try this:
get shade grass seeds and plant in plastic flat with a few drainage holes (not much since it wont need much) Put a frame around it with 1/4 hardwire (maybe the nice coated kind for added comfort) make it so that the mesh is 4-5 inches above soil. Then I will replace my light bulb with a grow light bulb and place this grass flat under the light with one end under the waterer to catch some of the extra water that spilles. The grass should be able to grow and the chooks will only be able to eat what grows out of the mesh. Since it will only be a few chickens I am thinking it could possibly work.
any thoughts?