So I really shouldn't kiss my chickens???

I am a chicken kisser as well and darn proud of it
Dang... I'm always kissing the hennies. Poor things. I tell them it's part of being a chicken and they need to just conform. Last night we had a nice storm and I went out and pulled one of my BRs off the roost to keep me company while it lightninged. I don't recommend that. Hennies are grouchy when pulled off the roost. But she still hung out with us and didn't complain too much. Wouldn't do her any good anyway I guess! I only have My RIR roo, Rex. He lets me kiss him on the ear. Briefly. We have an understanding.
I hate to think of what people think of me when I exit public restrooms with dry hands! But between turning off the faucet and having to touch that nasty door to get out of the restroom, I figure I'll walk out a germ fest either way. Once I'm out of the restroom, dry handed and all, I reach for my antibacterial hand sanitizer, but I'm sure everyone else thinks I'm just another dirty non washer of hands

I kiss, nuzzle, and generally bury my face in my chicken's fluff. Sometimes I worry, because my Aunt did lose half a lung to whatever that thing is people get from being around chicken poop (its name has completely slipped my mind), but really . . . people give me sniffles and coughs all the time. I'd much rather find a way to quit having to shake people's hands, and continue nuzzling my feathered beauties.

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