So i saw this at walmart yesterday...

see, gryeyes, this is the product for you! the ultimate in coop shoes
My older roo has been an exceptionally good boy up till now.

If I wore those things out in the chicken yard I'm afraid they would push poor Thor over the edge.

My cockerel Impy on the other hand....think I can find some in red. *evil cackle*
I'm not a spring chicken & I'd wear 'em.

Put on a pair of skinny jeans, a fitted top, some dangly earings, some black boots with some spiked heels...pretty much what she's wearing, ROFL.

Yep, I'd wear them. Or, I would if I had any place to wear them to, ROFL.

If the cats didn't rip them apart before I got out the door, that is...
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