So I told my husband I want a rifle...


12 Years
May 11, 2009
Kentucky, Cecilia
and in looking at them I am totally intimidated. Maybe looking at everything available online was a huge mistake. First off some of the prices.....WOW. Second is how powerful some of these guns are. I would so be on my rear. He told me to start looking to see what we wanted to get but I am too intimidated now to even look. I tried out a youth 22 today which of course is weak and it was a little bit too small. I can use it and my aim is still good with it but its a little awkward. So a full size rifle is too big for me to hold comfortably and a youth is too small. Someone suggested a 223. I don't even know what that means. I have taken gun safety but its been several year and I was raised with them around but being the baby girl of the family my dad discouraged anyone from teaching me about them.

Well thats gotta end. I am determined to be able to defend and hunt if necessary. I really think having this skill will be necessary at some point. I hope I can figure it all out before it is.
Depends on what game you plan to hunt. A 223 would be a good gun for deer sized game.

All my girls learned to shoot whether they wanted to or not. Also how to load, unload, and store a gun. How to be safe and how to hit what they aimed at. Two of them loved it, one doesn't care about it, but was willing to learn to please Dad.
I am 35 and have 4 kids so honestly I could have learned a long time ago and dad really would have had no say in it. Now I really feel the need to do so. My husband knows very little about them so we are probably looking at some training and then asking my brother to take him out a few times with him. I think deer is as much as we would ever hunt. I also really need to be able to take down coyote. We have some that have bred with wild dogs and they are so fearless. They come right up to the house. Thankfully we have some dogs large enough to challenge them. I can't wait an hour for someone to come home to deal with these if things get out of control so I feel I need to deal with this issue now. Our 2 oldest are getting their first bb guns for Christmas from their grandparents ( I insisted that my daughter get one also and my dad gave in YAY) so I think maybe we will all take classes and learn together.

What are good brands? I have heard of Winchester and Remington and thats pretty much it. I tried going into a pawn shop once to buy but they really seemed intent on selling me a hand gun so I ended up leaving a bit overwhelmed and no better informed than before.
I really like Savage rifles. They are pretty reasonably priced, even new. I probably outta ask my bf about it since he is a gunsmith and did gunsmithing while in the Army.
I would warn about pawn shops, really even getting a used gun. While you can find some what seems good deals, I have also been burned on purchasing a used gun. I would never get a used gun on my own now without Patrick being there with me, as it would be too easy for me to miss something amiss with a gun. Have a gunsmith that you trust check out a gun if you can.
Btw, do feel free to PM me regarding this and I'll pass it on to Patrick to get his advice.
i have a 223 that my 10 year old sister can shoot. it is great for shooting deer IF it is at close range. it is mainly for varmits and stuff at long range though. it is just like a small rifle it is in between a .22 and 243.
Remington & Winchester are two of the more popular brands around here, but I personally think it depends on what you are wanting more than a brand. My favorite gun growing up was a cheap Marlin 22, one of the best shooting guns I've ever owned and it cost maybe $80.00 new.
We do have a friend who is a gun collector and is a dealer also. If I can ever get him out of his office to go shopping with us we have someone experienced. I am looking used simple to keep costs down. I can't afford to spend a fortune which is why some of the prices shocked me. We have friends that I know are in very tight financial shape and I see the prices of a gun almost identical to the one they just bought. I now know why they cannot afford to eat anything but deer meat.
Check your states minimum calibre for deer size game. In Wa. State where I live the min size is 25cal. I own guns from every major gun manufacturer in the states. If you are living out in the country and need to get your gun after a yote in a hurry I would suggest buying a gun with a box clip magazine. That way you can stash the gun and ammo in different spots for child safety but still be able to get it ready to go quickly. My personal opinion for a woman would be a .308 cal. We have a couple and my wife and teenage girls shoot them just fine. Plus the ammo is usually cheaper and easier to come by.
I would HIGHLY suggest then to take him with you, bribe him with cake or pie or something like that. It would be so worth it. You don't want to buy a gun and find out later that your money was wasted because there is something wrong with the gun that we couldn't catch but a competent gunsmith easily would.

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