So much craziness! But i have a plan.

May 2, 2020
Eastern Michigan
I have 2 flocks, one of 7 chicjens,14 week old rooster, and 3 hens. 3 12 week old hens(flock 1)
The other consists of a blind POL pullet, a 14 week old pullet, 2 4-6 week old chicks, who I think are both cockerels, and finally, 2 3 day old sex-link chicks. (Flock 2)
My 14 week old cockerel tore The 14 week old pullet in flock 2s comb open, Wich is why she has been living there the past 3 days. He is rough on the ladies, and I don't like his personality much, so I don't want to pass on his genetics. I was thinking to move him to a rooster house (aka, flock 2s coop) and move flock to in with the pullets of flock 1, especially because we let the injured 14 week old pullet free range with the pullets of flock one without the cockerel, and they still share a close bond.

My master plan is this: Put Flock 2 in flock 1s run while flock one is free ranging, and grab my 2 most dominate flock members, and bring them over into Flock 1s run, one of them has already been with flock 2 occationaly, and they get along well. The e day olds will be in a brooder in the run. If all goes well, we can start introducing the other pullets in a few days. Sorry this thread was sooooooooooo long, I will update periodicly, any replies will be appreciated.
The rooster is the reason we have 2 separate flocks, plus the blindness. We won't be killing him, as he is still a pet, even if we have to love a distance. It would be better, I think, simply to build him a batchlor pad.

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