So my chicken-raising friends...Who plays World of Warcraft?

I used to play, several times
But, I had to stop when we moved because I got busy, plus the internet we have is satellite and you can only download and upload so much in a 30 day period
My son has the same problem. Just can't play really if you have satellite. Not only the severe download/upload limits, but the lag is terrible. I took my wireless modem over one day and he can just barely get a signal on it if it's pointed just so in the right window... and it still performed twice as good as the satellite did. Still can't really use it though, cause with a signal that weak he's thinking it'll fade in and out a lot.

I haven't even played this week but with the cold moving back in I probably will over the weekend. Now to find out what server I'm on.
Both me and my husband play WOW. I may have ya beat on the alt toons. We have a small guild on Dragonblight and currently have all 9 toon spaces taken. Then we have a full toon server on Norgannon, a few on Skullcrusher, a few on Muradin, and at least one toon on each of 6 other servers. We have PVP and RP toons. I'm currently working on a lvl 75 Worgen Hunter on Dragonblight in a guild called House of Dimeo along with my husbands lvl 85 Nightelf Death Knight. I mess around here and there and jump from server to server to check out the level of niceness of people. Right now Dragonblight is booming, but some people are just mean on occasion. The owner of House of Dimeo invited me and they all happen to be very nice people and are super helpful. If anyone would like to play with us I can invite and my 75 Worg Hunter's name is Yahzi, my husbands 85 NE DK is Kavaji. Come join us and let's have fun!
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I'll have to see about meeting up with some of you!

Unfortunately, I have to build a new rabbit hutch, a new chicken coop, prepare the garden for spring, get my pond up and running, and get my fish tank cleaned up and running. I may not be on for a while...

On the plus side, It's always fun to get the power tools out!
I haven't been able to play much lately, but I always do the cooking and fishing dailies on one toon.

I did play with my husband for awhile last weekend. We've got side by side computers for gaming. We have fun together. We may quest, wander around, do an instance with just the two of us, work on professions, do some fun holiday activities, hang out with friends or go tame some new pets for our hunters. Last weekend I finally got around to killing zombies with plants in that Hillsbrad mini-game, to get the singing sunflower companion pet.

When my female troll runs, from the back, she kind of looks like a chickens running! Her feet remind me of Foghorn Leghorn a bit, too.
LOL Yes! Female trolls do look like that! I love them. Now if only they'd made their goblins look more disgusting and less cute they'd be cool too. I LOVE the goblins in Warhammer. Sometimes they fart and say "They calls me Thunder Mountain" for example.

Oh and my main characters are on Rexxar. My hunter is 84 now. I'm only in a tiny guild that a bunch of us that played Dark Age of Camelot made ages ago. No one else is usually on but me but for the time being I don't want to be in a 'real' guild. I'm thinking I'll roll a character on one of your servers. I'm only playing every few days now, definitely not the addict I used to be with MMO's lol.
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DH and I have been on hiatus for a while from wow. It is low on the priority list at the moment, but once things pick back up for us we will be back on it. We both play Hord on the Stormrage server mostly, but we have a couple characters on Proudmore so we can play with a friend of ours from time to time.
Hillary and friend's eggs :

Aren't goblins already beyond gross and the lowest of the low?

I say this 'cause I'm an ally!

LOL! They're supposed to be, but the ones in WoW manage to be cute. ICK I want an ugly, foul beast, not a cute goblin!​

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