So my chicken-raising friends...Who plays World of Warcraft?

I have an 83 resto druid on Argent dawn and Im about to start a goblin on Silvermoon to play with my two teenage boys. Unfortunately it will wait until I have my hernia surgery. I have way too much to do at the moment.
85 troll hunter, 85 orc warrior, 80 u/d priest, and a bunch of alts on Nathrezim. I usually play for a couple of months, get bored and cancel the account for a few months before picking it back up again. I have been playing on and of since the game release back in November 2004. Account is currently active, but will probably cancel in the next month or so as the weather begins to warm up. If anyone logs onto Nathrezim, look for "Pedxing" or "Buzzsaw".
I haven't played in a month, but I have an almost lvl 81 tauren DK. I've got a goblin too.
Behave yourself.

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