So my pullet is a Roo.... now what?

He'll take a piece of watermelon and walk away with it to eat it himself. What's up with that?

Well, at my place, when it comes to treats it's everyone for themselves! My hens and my roo will grab treats and walk away. But I have also seen them grab treats out of one another's beaks if someone isn't speedy enough. Even my roo loses treats to the girls this way.

I was wondering too, Lorije1 - why you didn't want fertilized eggs?​
Why do you not want fertile eggs, and do you know that once you refrigerate them they are no longer fertile? fertile eggs will come in handy when one of the girls go broody next year.

Even if they are collected the same day I can't handle it. When I was a kid my brother would go in the broody pen and bring in eggs from there instead of the laying hens.... I of course ended up with half-formed chicks in the frying pan

This is "Marge" now:


and my newest concern... s/he'll get a new thread in the gender board.... meet Frack the Barred Rock.... pullet?


Well, BR are supposed to be color-sexable. Yours looks like a female. Maybe she's just... manly? I have a bossy BR pullet who started crowing! Turns out once the boy(s) started crowing, she decided her noisy services were no longer needed.

My EE rooster (also supposed to be a girl) just went home with the nicest family. I hope both of ours stay sweet, for you and for the nice family who took mine home.

BTW "Marge" is just lovely.
Do you have a new name picked out yet?
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Well, if you gather eggs daily, you would never be able to tell the difference between fertilized and unfertilized eggs. You'd have to look VERY closely to see if there's a "bulls-eye" or not. Eggs have to be incubated (by a broody or in an incubator) and about 7 days old before there's ANYTHING disturbing in them, and even then it's just the veins starting. So, putting them in the fridge will stop any development at all.
Neilette - Oh I hope she is a she!! Such a nice bird... the 2 BRs and my EE "Stink" follow me every step. I have a Golden Comet that follows me up the steps to my house!
My nephews were over today and they picked "Morton"...I have to get used to it I think. LOL

gryeyes - yeah, I know that is the logical way of thinking of it.... maybe my mind will change after the first few.
Thank you for this, I was wondering myself if or how you could tell the fertilized from not fertilized and when it would begin to matter.
Lorijel 1, I can sympathize with you. childhood traumas are much harder to overcome than those that occur to adults. Kids do the darnest things. Not funny. How is your adult relationship with your brother? Just wonder if he still plays pranks on you.

Are you okay with store bought eggs? If you really would love to be eating eggs(from any source) then it might be an issue you would want to overcome. Otherwise if you don't want a roo around your flock that is certainly your perogative.
Awwwww.....Marge/Homer looks a lot like my EE roo who also started life as a "pullet" chick.
He is a wonderful rooster--so good with the ladies and a benevolent leader of the whole flock including some other roos one of which is his gorgeous son (who is also a wonderful roo). Now he is either the grandfather or the father of another chick hatched this spring who is shaping up to be as beautiful as his dad/grandfather.


JUNIOR (hatched last spring)

JUNIOR #2 (hatched this spring)

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