Please xcuse my ignorance with all of this-I have 3 hens and 1 rooster-I believe they are all Rhode Island Reds-They lay 2-3 eggs a day-I have never seen any mating-ever-they are 10 months old. Is it possible for 2 hens to share the same nest-sit on the same batch and still have baby chicks hatch? I let one fiesty gal ( who I got because the owner was not taking care of) sit on some-I think were hers. I marked all 6 with a pencil and pull out all others that get laid-I have only one large nesting box-now I've seen another hen sitting on them while the other is outside eating? Should I just let nature takes it's course or am I wasting eggs and confusing my chickens-especially if any hatches who becomes mama and will they kill the chicks? phew????