so new I don't have chickens yet :O


9 Years
Oct 26, 2010
Wee Acres
My husband was offered some Rhode Island Reds by a friend at work, which has inspired us to clean up the mini-barn/stall/makeshift chicken coop on the 1.8 acre lot we own across the street from our home. The weather in our area ranges from 20's to 90's, drought to flood - in otherwords, typical Tennesse, lol. Two 8x10 stalls of the "barn" had previously been used for chickens, and we plan to use the same space. Dirt floors, tin roof, 2 solid walls built with the tiniest gap near roof for ventilation, and we are rebuilding the rest. Currently there is no electricity on the lot and that is a concern. We are enjoying scouring the internet for info, and would appreciate any helpful tips
We are also looking at getting different breeds instead, with an eye at owning 10 chickens to start - not too ambitious are we? Currently the only animals we have experience with are a coon hound, mutt, tom cat, and the rats& rabbits the CAT kills and brings home (yes, the 10lb cat kills rabbits while the 100lb coon hound hides from thunder). Anywho, I am looking forward to becoming a part of this community!!
from Indiana. I LOVE having a mixed flock rather than many of the same breed; you'll even learn to identify who laid what egg if you go that route (even among all brown egg layers). Plus you never confuse who is I started with 5, and so it was easy to make them very tame. Ten isn't that much to start with unless you're wanting lap chickens...
thanks for all the welcome messages! I can't wait til we finally get things going - at the very latest, hubby has promised to put in an order for Delawares due in Feb. (I think). Hopefully that will give us time to make a lovely, safe home for them

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