So Sad tonight


11 Years
Apr 29, 2008
South Carolina
Well I know I did the right thing , but that does not make it any easier.With all the gas drilling noise here right behind us my Americaunas were just totaly stressing and pulling feathers out, hiding in the coop and I knew they were not happy and thriving. So with a lot of thought and knowing what I had to do, I called a good friend , Ninjapoodles, and asked her to take them. She happily agreed to do so and came and picked them up today. I did not even have the heart to catch them, I feel like smuck right now, like I betrayed 5 babies that I have raised from 1 day old. I know that they will have a great life and enjoy the peace and quiet now and have a little girl that will love them. I feel bad for me, and I miss them terribly, but I know it was the right and best thing I could give them. I still feel bad, and I have cried tears for them, and my husband thinks I am silly " they are just chickens you know" but I feel like they were my babies and I let them down by sending them away. I know they will have a great home though and I thank Belinda so much for taking them in. It still hurts though and makes me sad.
Awww, im so sorry you had to give up those babies. At least, as a GOOD chicken mom, you knew what was better for them, and made sure they are happy. You can go visit them, right??
When you take on the responsibility of owning and raising animals, you have a responsibility of doing what you think is best for your animals. You know you did the right thing, right? So, you held up your end of the bargain. I know its hard, but you did what you thought was best, and that's what counts. Hang in there.

I am really sorry that you had to give your babies away, and I know too, that you did the good thing for them. It doesn't make the hurt any less. Hugs!!
Thanks so much, I know that it will be hard for a few days not seeing them in the coop and the poor Buffs went in tonight to roost and sat there just sounding so sad calling for them and wondering what happened I am sure. They are acting a tad bit weird tonight and I am sure it is because they are missing the others, but I am sure with a little extra treats and loving they will be fine and so will I too. Trudy
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I know it's hard but you did the best thing you could have for them. By the look of Ninjapoodle's turkey cathedral they will be well taken care of. I know that doesn't make your heart feel any better.

It's funny when watching the show about the "Sheal" the people are saying only good things about it. I didn't hear anything about the loud noise. Of course they really didn't want to show the bad.


Actually it does make me feel so secure in the fact that my girls are well loved, well taken care of and in peace and quiet and so happy now. I know that I have given them the best chance at a long and happy , healthy life now. As for Chesapeake Energy,
No they never tell you the bad, just sugar coat the good and make it all sound so good , like everyone is waiting in line to get one in there backyard. I have a witness now , an unbiased party and if anyone does not believe the noise, dust and stress factor having it 300 feet from your backyard just ask ninjapoodles! She will be happy to share with you.
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