Luna-first off
Second, my dad had no real side effects from radiation(a bit of diminished appetite) and none from his chemo and my father in law basically only had some fatigue for a day or two after his chemo treatments.
I pray that you're treatments are VERY easy with no after effects!
My mom only had radiation and she seemed to handle that just fine.

This is kinda dreamy isn't it? I don't have anything to sugar coat... should I go get some sugar coated lemon drops?

I loves ya and hugs ya and prays for ya,
Ahh..God Luna... I'm so sorry about all of this happening to you.
It makes me mad and sad for you at the same time... I dont even know what to say.. (and i hate that too..)
I'm thinking of you..
You'll be okay, sweetie.
Thank you red. Strange isn't it? I don't know what to say either, but I do appreciate the hugs and stuff. Very much. I think I'm gonna make me a drink and wait for DH to come home.
Luna~ Just wanted to know I'm still thinking about you.
You can do it. I know I had a different type of cancer, but I was Stage 4C, so stage 1 sounds good to me.
Chemo isn't fun, but other than totally wiping me out, I didn't have to many side effects from the treatments. (My stem cell transplant was a little different story, and much rougher) They have great drugs for nausea. Again, you can do this. People used to ask all the time how I got through it, and the truth is, you just have to. Put one foot in front of the other and push through.

Also, read something you wrote about gardening. Be careful with that when your blood counts are down. I developed a bacterial infection in my lungs. When my dr. found out I was playing in flower beds, he got very MAD. I never put any thought into it, just did it. There are a lot of organisms in dirt that you have to be careful of. There's no guarantee that's where the infection came from, but the dirt, and when he found out I had chickens, were two things he thought were likely culprits.

So anyway, thinking about you!
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Dear friend,

hugs.gif you and know that you will continue to be in my prayers!!..You're a winner and you are gonna win again!! all the others have said..I am here for ya!!
Take someone into your appointments with you--to write down what the doctor says and to ask any questions that you forget to ask. I did this for my MIL (uterine cancer) and a friend (breast cancer). Both beat their cancers. The breast cancer was not very advanced, but the uterine cancer was very advanced--I don't recall if it was stage 3 or 4.

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