Sounds like a plan!! Remember positive thoughts! I am a 100% believer that attitude is everything.

My boss lady, and fellow fighter, started with colon cancer, then to breast cancer(as soon as she finished treatment is when I was diagnosed), got that beat and cervical cancer shows up, just diagnosed with liver cancer. This lady has only missed 1 week of work when she had her masectomy! She knows that if she stops working, she will just sit around and think about it.

Between her and you guys, I keep on fighting.
I will be sending you strong thoughts and prayers for your good health on the 30th!!

Best of luck on your 40 Dozen chicks!!
Yep, I am sure that they will occupy your thoughts!!!

Best wishes

Sounds like a plan!! Remember positive thoughts! I am a 100% believer that attitude is everything.

My boss lady, and fellow fighter, started with colon cancer, then to breast cancer(as soon as she finished treatment is when I was diagnosed), got that beat and cervical cancer shows up, just diagnosed with liver cancer. This lady has only missed 1 week of work when she had her masectomy! She knows that if she stops working, she will just sit around and think about it.

Between her and you guys, I keep on fighting.

Yes you keep fighting too, mine also spread to my liver also..........
I just want to pop in here and let all of you know that I'm with you all in good thoughts and prayers- if you don't want to read a prayer, move on to the next post.

Father God, I want to ask You to lay Your hand on each of the members here who needs You, physically and spiritually. Father, Your peace and healing is what they all need, and I ask that You also grant full and complete healing to their friends and families, that all of the support structures can be as intact as possible. Grant the ultimate focus and knowledge to the practitioners helping in each case, so that the finest, most helpful treatments may be chosen in the proper order. Give aid to all involved in the extended life of each of our loved ones and friends in question. You are awesome, God, and we are eternally grateful for all You are and all You do. Thank you. Amen.
Luna, many friends will be there in spirit with you today. Information is a powerful thing, find out all you can and forge ahead. Hugs from me to you.
Hi everyone! I was a little tired after Wed dose. I kinda knew it would be that way this time. So I was resting a lot then we went out to have a steak dinner. Thursday I went to work but only for a half day, I got tired again. Today I feel pretty good. I'm trying not to think about it, but usually Sat & Sun I'm no good. But we'll see!
Thank you for the prayer Chooks.
I liked it. I'm not religious, was brought up Catholic, but I never went for it. I do believe in a higher being of some kind and when I pray for someone, it's more in the spiritual sense. That was very nice of you.

deerman, I wish you the BEST LUCK on the 30th.

Marky - are you a cancer survivor? I hope things are good with you, tell us your story! And welcome aboard.

Today is my father's funeral and all 6 of my siblings are here and going through all the stuff my brother brought up from Fla. Last night we all got together and go thru all the stuff. Then we had pizza & beer and sorted thru almost everything. Each item had memories attached and we all took turns figuring who wanted what. It turned out well.

I went for my mammo this past Friday. So this morning I got a call from the Woman's Imaging place
They want me to come back next Friday to check further on my right breast and possibly an ultra sound. DRAT Does this sound ominous? Or normal? I'm a little shaky today............... I didn't want to hear this
They do that to me because of my mother's history. They are taking first rate care of you and checking out every little thing because of your history. that is a good thing. Nothing will slip through from lack of follow up. They are just being careful. Don't worry until they tell you to.

I am glad the sorting turned out well. The up side to my situation is that at least there won't be any squabbles.
But I am so hurt by their actions, I don't want anything from any of them anyway. I regret that I will not get anything that my grandparents wanted me to have, but I have the best memories of My grandparents and I do not need a tea cup and saucer to remind me of them.
I suppose, in away, I have been unburdened. But It still hurts.
So you got lumpy boobs! No big deal, it's all going to be fine! My Mom gets fibroids= lumpy boobs, she's been getting them since I was 15 or so. Remember POSITVE thoughts!!

Glad things worked out with the family. I've told my folks that I want nothing except maybe a couple of photographs out of the BOXES of them. We have 1 picture of ALL of us that was taken at my Dad's retirement party. I had copied it and given it to everybody for a Christmas present a few years back. My younger sister did the same with one of just us kids. I think I was maybe 4 in the picture. I have one of my parents wedding next to my wedding picture, and one of each of my grandparents and great grandparents. That's all I need.

I did tell my Mom that I want all of her Blue Willow and that I'm going to take it to the Hershey Museum in Hershey, PA. I swear I've heard all my life is, "The only place I've ever seen that platter was at the Hershey Museum!"
Tell me why would you stand a valuable antique on it's edge on a highly polished, slippery hutch shelf, that you knew vibrated when ever someone walk on the hardwood floors it sat on??? Did you really think kids don't run in the house??!!!!

I remember that whooping for sure!!

Treatment for me tomorrow
but we all do what we've got to do.

Keep smiling folks! It makes others wonder what you are up to!!!

ETA--I got your blocks today!
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