So tell me about Cayuga ducks

Thank you for all that started and contributed to this post. I have a Cayuga duck that was brought home as an egg the kids found at the park. Well that egg hatched and I now have an 8 week old duckling that lives in the house because she couldn't bare to be separated from the family. She is a house duck, wears a diaper, travels with us and is overall a wonderful addition to the family. Never would I have planned on getting a pet duck, but now I don't remember what it was like without her around.

If anyone on here has advice on house ducks I'd appreciate any tidbits you care to share. The information in this post was great for the breed and general duck care. Thank you again.
Thank you for all that started and contributed to this post. I have a Cayuga duck that was brought home as an egg the kids found at the park. Well that egg hatched and I now have an 8 week old duckling that lives in the house because she couldn't bare to be separated from the family. She is a house duck, wears a diaper, travels with us and is overall a wonderful addition to the family. Never would I have planned on getting a pet duck, but now I don't remember what it was like without her around.

If anyone on here has advice on house ducks I'd appreciate any tidbits you care to share. The information in this post was great for the breed and general duck care. Thank you again.
Check the thread "show off your house ducks". A lot of information.
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So excited!! I should get my eggs in the mail this week!!!!!
Anyone hae them? Do they fly? Do they eat a lot? I heard that they really don't spend that much time in the water? Are they quiet? Are they going to eat all my gardens or just the bugs? What do they need?

I might have gotten sucked in by the duck bug.
I have three Cayuga ducks. Two adults and a duckling. I have to say out of all the ducks.. they are the most comicals. They have me in hysterics and have amazing personalities. They waddle around together, go down the farm and wander back up.
They don't fly as they are too heavy , mine dont spend that much time in water compared to the other ducks but its always important to leave water out so they can have a dip in preen themselves. I find mine to me fairly quiet and they havn't eaten any plants as of yet! Haha.
They need to be housed at night, a safe enclosure so no predators can get in, food, drinking water and water to bathe in.

Here are my Cayuga ducks. Roy, Sybil and baby Winnie.

I have three Cayuga ducks. Two adults and a duckling. I have to say out of all the ducks.. they are the most comicals. They have me in hysterics and have amazing personalities. They waddle around together, go down the farm and wander back up.
They don't fly as they are too heavy , mine dont spend that much time in water compared to the other ducks but its always important to leave water out so they can have a dip in preen themselves. I find mine to me fairly quiet and they havn't eaten any plants as of yet! Haha.
They need to be housed at night, a safe enclosure so no predators can get in, food, drinking water and water to bathe in.

Here are my Cayuga ducks. Roy, Sybil and baby Winnie.

They are cute
Can anyone give me any advice on their drinking habits as my Cayuga does nothing but syphon water through his bill after feeding sometimes for over an hour am getting concerned now. He is 12 months old and in great fettle feathers beautiful not of his food but I am concerned with this help please ???
Hiya all. I have 3 beautiful Cayugas which are about 12 months old. When I first got them they loved my ponds which were full of duck weed and blanket weed and they happily munched their way through most of it. Then, after a couple of weeks they stopped going near the ponds and when I try to chase them on there for a swim - they cannot wait to get out again. Its almost as though the water is electrified the speed they go to get out. Why is this? I wanted them to free range in my large secure garden but all they want to do is stay put (and poo) in their small enclosure designed for night time use only. Its as though they are scared to now venture very far from their enclosure. I have hens in the garden too who are all fine and night time cameras that have recorded nothing at all in the way of intruders or predators? Any ideas? thanks, Helly
This is an old thread but I just found it. When I was the animal caretaker at PigHoppers (they also had about a hundred od chickens & ducks which I took care of for over 2 years) there was a duck, Chandler. We bonded. In a big way. I had never met a duck before. He was a Cayuga & was the sweetest thing, he would flap-ground fly to me every morning when I let them out. Chandler lived, slept, with the chickens, they all got along.

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