So touching, I almost cried


Keepin' the sunny side up
11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
Shenandoah Valley, VA
I have a Phoenix rooster named Bobby Lee. He's the same age as my Silver Gray Dorking roo, Duke - but Duke is clearly the alpha rooster. Bobby Lee has always loved a couple of my White Faced Black Spanish hens - and they seem to love him. You rarely see Bobby Lee without one or two of the Black Spanishes with him.

Well a couple of hours ago, I went into the coop to check for eggs, and Bobby Lee was in there with two Black Spanishes. They were ALL digging out a nest in the corner of the coop. My Black Spanishes are late bloomers and had never laid an egg, so I just thought they were chilly and trying to snuggle up together. (It's cold and rainy here today). But Bobby Lee was making a strange noise - sort of like something between a growl and a purr. And he was doing it constantly. I was a little worried that he was breathing funny, but when I touched him he would stop. And then start back up again. All three of them piled into the corner where they had been digging that nest - and Bobby Lee was still making that odd noise.

I left them alone and went back about 20 minutes later to check on them because I never saw them come out of the coop. Well, it was indeed a nest they were building - and one of the Spanishes was grunting very hard, trying to get her first egg out. Bobby Lee was standing there right next to her. I sat on the floor next to them and a few minutes later, she finally popped the egg out. The other Spanish was clearly nesting as well, so I picked her up and put her in a nest box. She laid her egg in there a couple of minutes later.

Bobby Lee never left their side. He didn't come out until both of the Spanishes went into the yard. It was really sweet. I know some will say that chickens don't have emotions - but I know that Bobby Lee is really attached to these 2 hens and seemed very anxious as they were getting ready to lay - he wouldn't even leave their side!

Anyway, the whole thing was so sweet to me, and I wanted to share it. Does anyone else have a rooster that is obviously in love with a hen or two?

Awwwww...that is SOOOO sweet!!!!
Thanks for sharing! I love reading stories like that!
aint that cool !!
i have a big leghorn,, that has many girlfriends,, but 1 wife,, when its time for her to lay, he goes in, makes her nest, then stands guard at the door,, NOONE is allowed in till she is done!!
ya chickens have emotions,, just like every animal
I had a roo that recently passed away, completely unexpectedly. He was just a mutt EE, but a REAL sweetheart, and he had a few that he would stand guard over when they were laying, too. I never saw him "make a nest" for them, as mine lay in nest boxes. But, it was awfully cute when he'd do that. I miss my boy.

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