So, we're not supposed to call pets "pets"?

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All that is old is new again. During the U.S. `Gilded Age' (~1880's) `cultured/sensitive' `persons' felt compelled to refer to Chief Sitting Bull as the `slightly recumbent gentleman cow', the mere mention of chicken `leg' at the `proper' dinner table could cause a woman of a certain breeding to swoon away.

There is a puritanical strain running through our culture that erupts like a boil on left and right depending on the `season', spreading the stink of euphemism hither and yon.

Still combatting the use of `gender' when what is meant is `sex' (gender being the sociocultural construct of aspects and attributes that are associated with one or the other sex but often `borrowed'): end of `not getting past this peer's review' rant

Apologies for getting too heavy with the `petting'


This is 9 year old is starting to pick things up and questioned the usage...realizing there are 2 definitions...what the chickens do to make babies and if they are boy or girl chickens once they are hatched. Seems the "gender" thing was called sex during class and she was confused and asked me on the way home from school. I sucked up and explained things better to her...and enforced the, say "mating" if you are refering to the chickens or animals... and try to stay away from using the other word...which by the way made me teary eyed that my baby is growing up and figuring out the chickens are not playing "tag-you're it" any more. sniff sniff ...and also got me to wondering what her school mates are talking about on the playground or wherever they are having the opportunity to discuss things of this nature. be a fly on the fort walls....

my kids think when animals are "doing that" that they are playing Leap frog

when our new puppy (hes 4 months old) jumpped up on our sons leg and started to "hump" it... he yells AWEWWWWWW MOMMMM he's HUGGING MY LEG!!! . hubby and I were laughing to hard we had tears and trying to yell NO to the dog and Tell our son to get him off his leg.. it was not nice ... our son dose not understand fully why mom n dad were in fits of laughter yet
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