So who doesnt wear makeup?

I don't touch the stuff, the chickens really don't care what I look like
but I just don't like the way it feels on my skin
I just celebrated a birthday and hubby points out my lines around my mouth are now quite defined lines that don't go away......oh well, like Great Grammy always said
"wrinkles are merely lines where smiles have been" But thank you very much you made my day!!!!

Now here's me with make up a big improvement but too timely! and even then, I use very little very lightly, workin with what God gave me!
I usually wear some, my avitar was on halloween and I had on more than normal...

Here I am without any, the rain was coming in sheets, it was a great day to be on the river!

Oh my, no. I am 45 and suffer from adult onset acne. I don't leave my house without my face on. And the last time I went to town without it my husband called and needed something dropped at work, I CANNOT be caught at my husband's work without my face! (ok, the older I get the more vain I get)
I never wear any except for special occasions. On my wedding night my face broke out (pimples everywhere) from my make-up. Now I REALLY don't want to wear any. Don't think I need it anyway.
I rarely wear makeup and if I do, I usually just put on some foundation to cover up the major blemishes. When I did some of my pre-student teaching, for Halloween--as a joke--I wore makeup, the whole getup. I hated it so much that I scrubbed it all off at lunch. The teacher I was working with asked me about it and I said "My skin couldn't breathe!" He laughed and said, "Y'know, I've always wondered about that but I never asked my wife."

At my brother's wedding, the makeup lady caked it on pretty thick. "Wow!" was DH's reaction. "You look weird!" (not what I wanted to hear!!)

Ironic that I see this today. Some 4th grade girls had one of those personality quizzes that are popular at that age that they tried to do on me. "Do you wear makeup?" No. "If you did wear makeup, what do you wear?" A bit of foundation. One girl whispered to another "That's not one of the choices!" They gave up on me after that.

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