Soap Makers Help!

Parson's Wife :

Can someone give me a few post ##'s...if you know them....of pictures people have turned in showing how they display their soaps? Do you know how many pages are on this thread!!


Oh my gosh. lol I may as well repost instead of going through all those pages





The last one there is my table cloth from now on. It was actually for making an apron but I was in a pickle and needed it. Any way, they aren't the greatest but you get the idea. I should have taken better pics the last saturday. My DH has some on his phone, let me see if I can get them from him and I will post them if I can.​
DH is sending them after he gets out of a meeting. So I should have them in a little while for you.

ETA: In a couple weeks I will have a much larger easier to read banner that should really get people to take a look. Even DH thought it looked really good.
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I know I look like a dork but don't pay attention to me jus tfocus on the table. I like to think that I am getting better with the table each week

And the picture is small because it was taken using a phone, sorry.
Let's see, this isn't my best set up, like Chiknwhisperer I like to think I've improved my set up. But this might give you some ideas.


I've been making my roll on perfumes for the watermelon festival. The bottles look good and were a snap to put together. I think I'm going to charge $3 each for those.

Tomorrow I'll work on the lotion base I got from Texas Natural Supply. It's a nice cream like thickness, so I'm going to thin it a bit. I'm not sure yet what I'll charge for that. I need to see how many oz I get after I thin it to see what my cost is, but I', thinking $4 for a 2 oz container. Wdyt?

I have to go to my mil and use her printer later today. Mine kicked the bucket last night. It was a really cheap one that I never liked anyway, but it has been acting up the last few times I used it. I'm picking up a new one at Sam's when we go to the Wednesday market.

I did 6 batches yesterday. 2 black raspberry cream, 1 lemongrass, 1 dagon's blood, 1 rosemary mint, and one Sandalwood Ylang. All turned out good, yeah! I do hate rebatching.

I'm going to put in my orders for fall scents next week. I'll let you know what I decide to go with, it'll keep changing till I place the order, lol.

So what's been in y'alls soap pots lately?
I just ordered my large banner
They are having a thing where if your item is over $30 you don't have to pay shipping for the next 48 hours. I couldn't pass it up. Of course it was the cheapest shipping but it saved me money and at this point that is a really really good thing. So it cost me $38.47 for my big banner
No, coconut melts at too low a temp. I think for a lotion bar cocoa butter, shea, mango, kokum, or avocado is what you need to look at. They stay solid at even very high temps. HTH

I took some of my perfumes with me to the market yesterday and they did better than I thought they would. I think I might do well with them. The sandalwood ylang was the best seller (that one's my favorite

I've been making so many other things I haven't soaped in a couple of days, but after I get the rest of the lotions made, I may make a couple of batches. I need to place another EOU order and I'm thinking about getting some Patchouli. Has anyone else made patchouli or patchouli blends and how well have they done? I was thinking of patch and orange and patch and lavender. maybe just plain patch too. What oz ppo do you use for this eo?
Congrats on your perfumes! That's really exciting. What sort of containers did you put them in?

I haven't done blending on my own, but I did purchase an orange/patchouli FO from TSW that is pretty nice. In that blend, the orange is the forward note and the patch is in the background. It doesn't jump out at you and yell Patchouli, but just hangs out to create a richer smell than the orange would be on it's own. Mine aren't ready to sell just yet so I can't report on how they will do. However, everyone who has smelled a bar really likes it and I have people asking me to hold bars for them.

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