Soft Crop with Liquid


6 Years
Feb 23, 2018
Hollister, Florida 32147
I massaged her crop and copious amounts of liquid came out of her mouth. I have separated her from the rest of the flock. Is this something contagious? I had a Chicken die August 26, 2019. I gave her a waterer, but no food. I will give her food in the morning. Does anyone know what is going on? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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I massaged her crop and copious amounts of liquid came out of her mouth. I have separated her from the rest of the flock. Is this something contagious? I had a Chicken die August 26, 2019. I gave her a waterer, but no food. I will give her food in the morning. Does anyone know what is going on? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
How old is she?
Is she able to poop - what's that like?
Does she lay eggs? Any bloat/swelling or fluid in the abdomen (below the vent between the legs)?
How long has she been like this?

Check her crop first thing in the morning before she eats/drinks, it should be empty. If it's not empty, then try to determine the crop problem - sour, doughy, impacted, etc. Let us know.
She will be two years old in September. She has like this for the past couple of days. She is pooping dark dry stools. She is one that only lays at times. In checking her this morning she very perky with an empty crop with no signs of swelling in abdomen.
She will be two years old in September. She has like this for the past couple of days. She is pooping dark dry stools. She is one that only lays at times. In checking her this morning she very perky with an empty crop with no signs of swelling in abdomen.
I'm glad the crop was empty this morning!

Reading back over your initial post - what prompted you to massage/feel the crop yesterday? Was it just full looking? Had she been drinking a lot of water?
Sometimes if they have just ate/drank, they can spit water/food back up if you massage the crop or even pick them up. Chickens don't have a gag reflex - basically the esophagus is an "open tube" into the crop so the contents can easily come back up.

If she's not lethargic, she's eating/drinking/happy, I would put her back with the others and just keep an eye on her for a few days.
I was watching it running out of her mouth. So I decided to isolate her to be on the safe side. She is very perky this morning. So I will put her back with flock and see what happens. Thank you everyone who has given me advice. Couldn't do it without you!!!

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