Soft eggs

I've never bought the oyster shells because my parents' chickens never cared for them so I figured the eggshells was a good source of calcium.
Problem with only eggshell as a calcium source is there's a declining amount of calcium available in them, if no additional calcium is brought into their diet (whether through feed, oyster shell, limestone, etc). I now mix eggshell with the oyster shell to stretch out my dollar, since real oyster shells aren't cheap, and since that helps encourage birds to take in calcium as not all of them like the oyster shell.
I finally found some calcium citrate tablets and after two days she layed a good egg that wasn't crushed. However there are other variables. I have introduced our 4 black australorp chicks this week and last night had to put two hens into solitary confinement beca6they were being extra rough on the new girls and even pecked me and drew blood! So since they were separated from the flock they weren't there to step on or crush the egg or possibly be bullying her too?
BUT the two hens I separated didn't lay eggs that because I put them through a change of environment?
I don't know what has helped since my girls are all still on chick starter and I haven't been giving them calcium tablets (just crushed eggshells & oyster shells free choice) But since we got ba k from vacation last week I've been getting 4 eggs most days and one of them was slightly bashed in only once in a week! The chicks are getting close to old enough for layer feed so I am going to start weening them off chick starter and on to layer feed this week.

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