Soft shell egg??? How do I fix this?

Before I tackle a problem in my flock I try to determine if it is a flock problem or an individual problem. If it is a flock problem I’ll try to manage the entire flock to solve it. If it is an individual chicken problem I’m not going to potentially harm the rest of my flock to handle that problem for only one chicken.

One possible cause of soft shelled or thin shelled eggs is that the pullet or hen does not properly process the calcium she eats. It could be a deficiency in how she absorbs the calcium in her digestive tract but more likely is a defect in her shell gland. Sometimes feeding her extra calcium will help, sometimes it doesn’t. But in my opinion forcing the hens that do not have this problem to eat more calcium than is good for them is not a good thing. I much prefer to offer excess calcium on the side and let them manage that instead of mixing the stuff with their feed. In my opinion, too much of a good thing is not a good thing.
Excellent points!

I've had several birds that just have what I call Funky Factories...they go on the cull list.

@DMFARIA Sticking to just the layer feed for now is a good idea....maybe a few 'treats' less than 10% of daily layer volume, and make some of those treats protein.
yesterday one of my hens laid a nearly white egg that should be brown. Today both of their eggs were soft shelled almost no shell. I had been giving egg shells and what I think is good food from Tractor Supply. What else do I need to do. I am going to get oyster shells but what else. If they have worms or something else? My husband is in the hospital and I haven't been able to let them out in the yard to free range.
I'm feeding layer food and just an occasional ear of corn, lettuce, bread and sometimes a canaloupe rind. They free range from about 5:pm until they are ready to go to roost. It is really dry here so I don't know how much good free range is doing them.
Aside from food, which is probably the main cause, it could be stress.
I used to know this little boy who would come over weekly, he would chase and scream at my girls which caused them to have soft eggs for a few days.
yesterday one of my hens laid a nearly white egg that should be brown. Today both of their eggs were soft shelled almost no shell. I had been giving egg shells and what I think is good food from Tractor Supply. What else do I need to do. I am going to get oyster shells but what else. If they have worms or something else? My husband is in the hospital and I haven't been able to let them out in the yard to free range.

It could be stress from many different sources. Has something changed in how you house or manage them, like adding lights or some change to the coop? A predator attack or scare? A change in pecking order by adding or taking away a chicken? Did they run out of water for a period? Chickens sometimes don’t handle changes well but they soon adapt. It could be something as simple as they are no longer free ranging. This would be my guess from what you posted. Patience may be all that is required.

It’s not totally unusual for a white egg to show up instead of one that is usually brown. The last thing that happens in the shell gland is that a layer of brown is laid on top of the normally white egg. If something happens to cause the egg to be laid early, like stress, the egg can be white. Happening once is not a big deal, we all are allowed an occasional oops. It’s when it becomes regular that it is something to worry about.

The same kind of thing can happen with a soft shelled egg for different reasons. Sometimes it is just an oops and is nothing to worry about. It’s when it becomes regular it becomes a concern.

I hate to mention this because it will cause you worry. Certain diseases can cause stuff like this. Unless you have added new chickens to your flock where you could bring in an outside disease this is unlikely but I feel I should mention it. If they are acting normal and not standing around all hunched up and fluffed up, this is probably not the problem.

I think offering oyster shell on the side is a good idea. Other than that, take care of yourself and your husband and just see what happens in the next few days. It’s likely something that will take care of itself in a few days. I sure hope so.
Thank you very much for your answer. I bought some shells today. I was able to let them out for about 30 minutes today, then they went to roost. I only have two and have not had any strange chickens around. My daughter seems to think a coyote or some other predator may have come and tried to get in the coop but it is made of hardware cloth so don't think one can get it but it may have attempted to and scared them. I hope in a few days everything will be back to normal including my husband.
Thank you for your answer. My chickens could be stressed because I have not been able to let them out since Monday. I let them out for a short while this afternoon. Maybe that will help a little. I was just afraid they might have some terrible disease.

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