soft shell egg/lame hen.


8 Years
May 10, 2011
hi,i hope im posting this in the right section,if not could a mod please move it....thanx:)

ok,i have 2 pekin bantoms which are family pets,but my little lavendar one seems to have gone lame over night,she was her normal lively self yesterday,but when i came to let them out this morning,she just layed there,and seems to be slowly dragging her self around,on checking the nesting box,i found a soft shelled egg which i assume she must have laid.
now she seems all well in herself,she's eating and drinking,her eyes seem to be nice and bright,and her poop is normal,i've picked her up and checked her legs and feet,and they also seem fine.
anyone have any ideas???

thanx in advance
Soft shelled eggs are very hard for a hen to pass. The body has nothing to push against, so it is really difficult to push out. She probably had to work really hard to get that one out and was not feeling that great as a result. It sounds like she is better now? She should be okay if so.

Good luck.
thanx for the reply CMV,shes still lame,but otherwise,her mood is normal,i'll keep my eye on her.

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