My beautiful Karaya is a young easter egger/longghorn mix. After a while she started to lay soft shell eggs ocassionally, some so fragile as it appear to not have shell at all and eventually stop laying; other than that she have good color, eat wells and is very active, recently i notice she loss may of her rear feathers, also notice she pick on the rooster feathers but nothing to worry ( i though). But today I notice she have a very dirty butt and seems to have diarreah. I panic as last year I loss a hen due to a diarreah that wont go away ( no blood or visible parasites) ... On that ocassion i read I can give her a warm bath in water with epsom salts but It was too late for her, she was very thin and fragile and died. Now Im still at work planing on give my Karaya a warm soak with epsom salts, and separate her from the flock (1 rooster and 2 other hens). And fed her yogurt... please HELP me, what else can I do for her ??? (she is the one inmy profile's photo).