Soft Small Eggshell (duck)


Jul 15, 2018
Hi all!


I am freakin out because my duck stopped laying in the winter. I was told that can be normal. My hens continue to lay regularly.

Since April I slowly started getting VERY small soft eggshells from my duck. Sometimes no shell at all. She is almost laying these abnormal eggs regularly but they do not look healthy.

I feed them Flockraiser Crumbles and Oyster shells. I did give them their own shells as well. They get greens (kale and spinich) on occasion because they stopped eating their crumbles when I was giving them greens daily.

I promise I am not trying to be a bad bird mamma): I have called 3 vets and gotten the same answer. Needs more calcium. Or can't pass an egg. But she is laying? I always have the oyster shells available.

SEND HELP! What am I doing wrong?):
Definitely the spinach prevents the calcium from being absorbed. I would stop feeding that to her and maybe cut the kale back for now.
Add some calcium citrate crushed up to help. And maybe add some vitamin d to help with absorption of the calcium. Rooster booster poultry vitamins have vitamin d. I add it to their water every other fill.
The heat will affect their egg production too. I am having some issues every once in awhile lately with my chickens laying soft shelled eggs. I provide them with some manna pro omega egg maker with their feed. That seems to help too. Good luck.

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