Soft White Egg


In the Brooder
Sep 29, 2015
I checked on my Coturnix Quail this morning and one of them had laid a white egg. When I picked it up it was super soft...quishy. And beside it there was a white membrane...looked like a piece of a balloon. One of the quail in that pen just started laying a couple of weeks ago. I don't know if this was from her or if a different female laid it. Its the first one I've seen.
They may need more calcium in their diet, one of my quail laid a few eggs like that so I gave her extra crushed oyster shell and her eggs went back to normal in a day.
I have access to oysters on a pretty regular basis. How much crushed shell do you give? And this is the only egg I've found like that. All the others seem to be normal.
I keep a small bowl in their pen almost always and sometimes sprinkle a pinch on their food for the few females that don't always eat it. But if it was just one egg it's probably fine, maybe that female was just having a bad day.

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