
12 Years
Apr 19, 2012
Can anyone confirm these BCM , Engilsh ,with no feathers on their legs? Their eggs are light creamy brown.



Definitly look like black copper marans. They may just not be good bloodlines with only light eggs. How much were they?? While most people sell true marans for a lot of money
Most of the BCM I've seen only have copper around the neck. However, the red/copper on a Black Sex Link usually extendsfarther... and the color of egg you described is right on par for the breed.

As for the feathers - Marans come in two varieties, french and what I dub "American". French Marans have feathers, the others do not. I'd wait for input from some Marans breeders.
Most Marans breeders consider egg color as much a part of the breed definition as the color of the birds themselves. I made sure I sourced my stock from a dark egg laying strain (bought hatching eggs from a guy where I could go look at his stock). Their eggs might not be at the top of the darkness scale, but I (and much chick customers) are very happy with them, and people that don't know about Marans are startled by how dark they are, and isn't that sort of what we are going for?

I don't know where you got them from, but I'd encourage you to "go local", even if it takes a while to find a good source. That will give you a better chance of getting good stock (though it's certainly possible to get ripped off via Craisglist - use your best judgement of the seller). It also has the benefit of supporting local breeders and encouraging more to sell their stock. I am not opposed to commercial hatcheries, they provide a selection that is not possible at the level I work at, but if you can find a local breeder, buy there, everyone (except the hatchery) will be much better off.

This is one of my favorite pics to show friends and co-workers and give them an appreciation for what locally-grown eggs can look like. They always want to try some.
Definitly look like black copper marans. They may just not be good bloodlines with only light eggs. How much were they?? While most people sell true marans for a lot of money
Paid 10.00 at local farm supply store.

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