solid black chick

And apologies if my coffee was too weak this morning... I was saying that I don't think the bird is a bantam, but a regular hatchery Black Sex Link produced from large fowl parents. My Black Sex Links always start much smaller than the other production and dual purpose chicks they arrive with.

I'd rather see pictures of this chick with the other chicks from the same hatch, than another chick of a different breed from a different hatch (and different source?) to convince me this is a bantam.
I gotcha. And no apology is necessary. At least you had some coffee this morning. I never even had any, but I think I could really use a diet coke about now to wake me up. :eek:)
Did you figure out what it was? I have a chick that matches exactly your description. (Much smaller than the rest, picks at others, all black.) I actually had to help this one from the egg, as there was a classroom mishap in the young student wing at our school. Do you have any updated pictures?
I'm out of town, but she, and two chicks that were sold to me as Black Australorps have started to get red feathers. One looks JUST like a robin. The feathers are veined and edged in red. I have no idea what they are. I feel like I'm pregnant awaiting the reveal of the gender. I have been out of state for a few days, I know they'll look different when I get back. I'll update. I'll be home Wednesday night.
That is adorable. I have a solid black bantam chick as well...they are so tiny compared to the standard chicks. I don't know enough to tell you the breed but I'm sure someone from here will be able to tell you now that there's a pic.

This isn't the same bird. The bird closer to the camera is Robin, named for obvious reasons. The little one, and the two I bought a week later, all sold to me as Black Australorps, have all developed red chests.

Gidget, (Gidget the Midget) the black chick I originally posted about, is now the same size as Robin (pictured) and another one sold with Robin. I *do* have two Black Australorps and they look clearly different now. The BAs are a beautiful jet black, and big, big heavy legs. They were black with white chests and bellies as chicks. These three started out solid black and haven't grown as large or heavy looking, and all three are getting this red feathering on their chests.

If you saw this bird in your yard you'd think it was a robin! I have no clue.
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This is Rose. She was sold as a Buff Orpington chick. I named her Rose because she was just a bit redder than the other buff chicks. Her new feathers came in dark red, and she's not as big as the buffs either.
I am reading this with great interest. You see, I also have a couple solid black chicks just hatched today. Here is my story:

I have white silkies. I have had white silkies for about five years. Nothing but white for that whole time. White, white, and only white!

I like white.

Peeping from the incubator.....I look in and see nothing. No white. Wait a minute...what is hiding in that corner?

Black! Solid black! No yellow fluff at all! What the heck?

And I know they won't be black when they mature because black adults have some yellow fluff as well!

Soooo... What color do you think I have and how did I manage to get them out of white silkies?

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