Some general duck questions

They are definitely cute, I can see that you're falling in love with them already with all the care and attention you're giving them. Heck, so are we and we just get the pictures.

I started with quail, since they were easy to keep in a cage in an apartment. Later after getting a house, I got chickens, then ducks. Always wanted a pheasant and finally got two this year. So as long as you have space for it, getting these pets and learning about them is great. I truly think that kids learn a lot by taking care of pets. It can really influence the kinds of animals they like as adults.

I know that ducklings and niacin/brewer's yeast get brought up a lot. I myself was concerned that I might not be providing enough but actually the ducklings have grown up well on chick starter and then game bird feed/flock raiser later. No deformities due to lack of vitamins or proper nutrition. However, take that with a grain of salt and prepare for them how you'd like to provide for them.
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Hahahah I'm actually glad you brought that up. I originally wanted chickens to teach my kids responsibility and for the quality of eggs.


The ducks did finally eat. We have them in with the chickens and apparently they are tolerating the ducks lol.



My wife said that she let them out to range in the yard and they can slip through our chain link fence. Little escape artist already lol

Thanks for all the links. I'm actually going to build a very large pen, so I can house 5-6 full time ducks and have a clutch hatch out once a year

the only reason I thought they were older is looking at pictures online mine looked more comparable to older ducks, but looking on that website in back to no idea hahah.
im going to pick them up some crumbles today and some scratch grains/cracked corn. How do I keep my chickens out of starter food? I'm not sure if they would even mess with it, but last thing I want is a fight over food.

Should I put them on chick starter or just get them on grower finisher? The place I go I am sure would actually have duck feed as well , so that is also an option
I would say do 16-18% protein starter. Til they are fully feathered. If they get too high of protein then they could get angel wing. I would bet that they will share nicely, and I dont think you can keep any birds out of any food within their reach
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Ok. My laying hen feed is 20% so that's why I was curious. I'll check out prices at my feed mill.

I'll probably mix cracked corn with crumbles for them.
That would be fine. For sure though light on the corn. And if you read that metzer farms article make sure you don't over feed them and produce a large heavy duck. Lean hens lay best.
Ok. I didn't know if I should do starter or grower, since the age is kinda unknown. I'll be at the mill here in a couple of minutes! Thanks for the advice

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