Some general duck questions

No no! I was only referring to the young birds. Normally mine stay on starter until they are about the egg laying age. Then they get layer feed just like everyone else! And they stay on later until they go to freezer... Even the game birds that require high protein are good to go on layer once their older. Turkey, Guinea and quail, once their adults, are safe to go layer. My turkeys and Guinea eat layer and are healthy, lay great, and lay long. My quail though, due to being caged, (you just can't free range them) get gamebird feed their whole life, higher protein pretty much guarantees you an egg a day. And they are full breasted and full of life.

Sorry not to get off track! You got muscovy's! So I suggest that you feed them a lower protein starter until they are 5 to 6 months old. Then start then on layer. Or wait until maybe end of January or beginning of February to start layer. Also, lots of veggies and fruit scraps. And scratch here and there. And bugs when they find them! Ducks, (mine at least) are obsessed with cucumber.
Well the only thing I could find around 16-18% that was not layer was a starter grower from purina.

Everything else that was starter was 20% protein.

I went down and checked on them. There were just laying down comfortablely in the hay mix all together lol
Well I gotta figure out a way to give them food, maybe Just a bowl or something. I can't throw in scraps because my chickens would not allow me to give the ducks scraps and not them lol.

The ducks are still pretty shy, not sure how to get them to warm up to us
Oh my goodness! Ducklings are speed scooters. And it takes a long time and older age for them to not scoot away at light speed. Especially muscovies. I would get a small brooder feeder. So they don't spill their feed everywhere. Tractor supply is always awesome if you have one close. Or a heavy enough bowl they can't tip AND they can't get in.
Hmm. My ducklings have always had access to water over night. I only stop access when they are old enough to go out with the rest of the flock.. So I don't know. Probably. As long as they get access to water first thing in the morning, they should be alright. They sleep mostly all night when it's completely dark anyways.
Ok right now I can not catch them. I did put a small duck house in there for them, but the three of them are under my chicken coop. I scattered some food all around them so that they can easily find it, and they should know where their water is by now.

Are they ok outside all night by themselves, or should I catch them and lock them up in the duck house? (i just dont want it to get to cold, even tho I know they will huddle together)

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