Some help with fencing


Mar 8, 2016
New brunswick Canada
So I'm planning on making a 7ft high fence for my chickens and I will be running hardware cloth from the ground to 2-4ft in the air could I use deer fencing as the top part? would it keep foxes and raccoons out?
also would it keep chickens in?
My birds have been escaping the 4ft high fence we built
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My one run has hardware cloth up 3 feet than welded fencing up to the top. It won't keep things like sparrows out but should deter predators that like to try to reach into your pen and grab chickens.
sorry, my understanding is that the gauge is how heavy the wire is like I'm using 1/2 inch grid 19 gauge hardware cloth on my run. I could have gotten 1/2 inch grid and 23 gauge hardware cloth that would not have been as strong as the 19.

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