Some people...

I was making light of the OWS folks because that is exactly their excuse, they complain in the form of a protest instead of putting out the goods it takes to be the 1%. They want government to level the playing field for them, reward without effort mentality that is all. I am not in the 1% personally but I am also not in the 99% they "claim" to be representing. I just do not behave that way.

Care to explain how you've come to this conclusion? It's quite the indictment don't you think?

As for the OP, perhaps you can tell the person who is complaining the truth. It may be hard but sometimes you just gotta do what's right. One this is sure, don't help them, let them "own it". (the consequence of turning down a job)

In the 70's I couldn't GET a job, and I once had to eat at the Rescue Mission. I moved to another city and when I did get a job, I worked any hours I could get. Times are tougher now than then but you do what you have to (any job) to survive. As long as it's legal of course and morally decent. There's no excuse for doing anything illegal.

No job is below you if your hungry enough,

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They've said on multiple occasions that it is beneath them. They had worked at the one place before and they won't go back now because since then they had had a higher paying job.

My suggestion for people is to apply at the local Walmart. They are usually looking for people during this time of year and their starting pay is pretty decent. They CAN be frustrating to work for, but it was regular work and it paid the bills (with a little bit left over). Unfortunately, in this area if you don't have the money to pay for a car, your options become very, very limited. Most everything is about a half hour drive away.

Oh, OK. The reason why I asked that is that many people assume I'm not working much because I feel that some jobs are beneathe me and refusing to work at certain places. But, I'm not like that at all and have applied for a wide spectrum of jobs and pay ranges and have not refused any work offered. That's why I wondered if it was assumed or he actually said it.
You are supposed to just listen and empathize and let them talk it out. Then tomorrow, when their situation has not changed, you must listen again. Ad nauseum. It is called being a husband/boyfriend. The one thing you must never do (and I don't get it either) is tell them the obvious solution to their problem. Or in any way, use logic. Like "Have you talked to the lady about this? I'm sure she'd stop if she knew what she was doing."

No no no no

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