Some pics of my garden and bounty for the day.warning pics are big

I still can;t believe the peppers and I have some zucchini that will be ready here in a few days. It seems like everything is really early this year though
Top notch! I wish my garden were flat and orderly and not insanely humid, overgrown and goat gnawed. What is the insect population in NY like?
Insects well we do have potatoe bugs and what not and lots of mosquitoes and deerflys. Other than that it is not to bad but those darn deerflys they eat you right up. I also have issues with some bugs eating on my cabbage and what not but we use some sevein dust if they really need it and it seems to do the trick. I don;t like to dust them but ya gotta stop them somehow.
That is one gorgeous garden, congratulations! It took a lot of hard work, I know, to get it to look like that. Reminds me of my in-laws' garden. Never a weed in sight! Our garden is pitiful this year, but next year is going to be different. We've got a long list of improvements we're going to make. Then maybe I'll have enough to actually do some canning.

I agree with you about using the Sevin. I hate to do it, but sometimes there just isn't another option. Especially with potato and bean bugs. Enjoy that wonderful produce!

mom'sfolly :

Nice garden, I'm jealous. I love, love,love the hollyhocks, I've tried to grow them, without sucess.

It took a while to get these but we took some that someone dug out of their garden and put them there. They took off and now they are doing really well.​

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