Some pics of my Racing Homers(pic heavy)

Good looking birds. Just got into homers a couple months ago. Had some shipped to me from Washington state. Would love to find more though, to introduce some new blood.
im hoping to get at least a pair of white, and a pair of normal racing homers, just as pets, as love the sleek athletic look and alert active vigor of them. im renting for now unfortunately, so couldnt fly them if got young birds..
I could set you up with about four or so white ones if you wanted, Don't know how far from Southern IL you are, or if you'd want to pay the shipping.
i may currently have to many, and have to downsize some at least prob, get better place, or get more rack cages set up.. plus guessing with shipping ect from that far theyd be pretty expensive. thank you though, ill have to keep you in mind, and you have very pretty birds.

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