Some pictures of my orchid (Better pictures!)


The truth is out there...
12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Here's that orchid I wrote about in a post a few weeks ago. It's still doing ok, but one leaf seems very floppy. I replanted it in a special orchid mix with fertilizer, but I have to go pick up some special liquid fertilizer for it too. I just hope I don't kill it! I just watered it today because the soil was almost completely dry. I read they like to dry out between waterings.

The leaf on the right is the floppy one. All the other leaves are nice and stiff.


I have some more pictures from today that I'm trying to upload.
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I have one very similar. It was beautiful when I bought it but I thought I would kill it within a few weeks. It has survived to flower 3 times so far so I am very pleased. I don't let mine dry out and it looks well. It is in flower now.
Very pretty, Chicker. You have to remember with orchids- in the wild, the phalaenopsis grows in trees, so they do not like heavy dirt or a lot of water. They do best when potted in a mixture of moss, charcoal, bark, etc. It may have needed to be repotted since they don't like to be cramped.
Water it once a week and make sure it is able to drain completely. They are heavy feeders, so feed it once a month, and put it in a sunny, but not hot, spot.
Thanks, Carrie!

I planted it in a special mix for orchids that has pieces of bark in it, and I put little rocks at the bottom for drainage. Does this sound right? How often should I water it? How much water should I give it?

I have over 20 different orchids...some are rare. I have a few in full bloom now and a couple working on putting up spikes.

As far as fertilizer...they only get bird fertilizer in the wild. You can over fertilize. I only fertilize two times a yr. (#1 killer)

When I water, I put them in the sink of room temp water and let it sit there for 10 minutes, then let the water completly drain off. I let mine dry completly and water it again. I probably water once a week.

Keep in a very bright area, out of direct sun.


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